Thursday, July 20, 2006

That's right, I said it!

Hey kids!  Since I'm super-busy with Comic-Con, here's a little something to wet your whistle until my full return.
Finish the sentence:
1. My first ex is...
unhappy, I hope.  Haha, Laura, you suck!  Seriously, I'm not bitter...
2. I'm listening to...
the fans spinning.
3. Maybe I should...
go back to sleep.
4. I love...
Superman Returns!
5. I don't understand...
women, ever.
6. I lost...
my mind long before my handwriting went to shit.
7. People say...
I only hear what I want to.
8. Love is...
what I got.  Haha, not really.
9. Somewhere, someone is...
dodging bullets in Iraq and that's the shame of the century, already.
10. I will always...
be above-average.
11. Forever seems...
like an eternity.
12. I never want to...
lose myself.
13. My mobile phone...
14. When I wake up in the morning...
I think of every excuse to go back to sleep.
15. I get annoyed when...
people are in a hurry for no reason.
16. Parties are...
fun, as long as everyone remains standing.
17. My pet is...
too barky.
18. Kisses are the best when...
there's real passion behind them.
19. Today I...
am going to the 1st full day of Comic-Con.
20. Tomorrow I will...
be tired of all these motherfuckin' snakes on this motherfuckin' plane!!!
21. I really want...
to find it, realize it, and never let it go.

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