Saturday, July 15, 2006

Pick It Up!

Hey kids!  So I thought of some random things that would've gone in the last blog.  Here they are:
-Who invented corn on the cob and was he working in conjunction with the dental hygene industry?  As I sit here now, at the computer, I've got all sorts of madness stuck in my teeth.  I smell a conspiracy.
-Why are Smashing Pumpkins albums always so damned quiet?  Seriously, everytime I play one of their bundles of sonic joy, I've got to turn it up to 11 just to hear it.  It's not a rocking 11 mind you, more like a normal 8.  It's weird.
-I thought of this a while ago but, there really is no such thing as a fun burning sensation.
-Nobody ever wishes someone else deep seeded rage for an upcoming holiday.  It's always that "happy" nonsense.  "Happy this," "Happy that."  What about "Screw You Christmas" or "May Your Birthday Be Filled With Guilt and Self-Loathing?"  Why not, is all I'm asking.
-You know what I found is a really great synonym for penis?  Schwanse (spelling?).  We should all use it as the new hip term. 
-If someone is an asshole, and is also really tall, does that automatically make that person a big asshole?  Or a giant asshole?
-What if it was customary in this country to tell everyone you meet that you love them?  It would no doubt cause some strange exchanges on the bus.
-I'm still looking for a hambone, by the way.
-(Late Addition) Have you seen these ads for Flomax?  You know, the ones "for guys who like to take longer trips while making fewer pit-stops?"  Well, one of the warnings towards the end of the commercial says to avoid activities where injury may result.  Now considering the area involved, couldn't that warning be restated as 'Avoid sports in which you risk getting clocked in the cock?'  I think it would be more entertaining, for people like me, wearing a straight-jacket.
Well, I guess that's all I've got for now.  Stay tuned for more, or something.  Tee-hee.  :-P  Pbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

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