Monday, October 2, 2006

2 Grains of Sand from the Hourglass

Hey kids.  While I'm home and sick, I've decided to put these gold nugget stories from a recent bulletin into the blog archive.  Hope you enjoy them more than I'm enjoying my current sore throat!
Story No.1:
In 5th grade, we did a Thanksgiving thing where the class sang turkey songs or some nonsense.  All these parents were there watching but I don't recall being told our parents could come, hence, mine weren't there.  Anyway, during the last song, we had a guy, this booger-eating malcontent, Tim Warcup, dressed up as a turkey and I played the hunter. Someone had made me a bow (actually a real bow) and arrow (construction paper) but the arrow was too short. So when I fired it at him, the arrow flew straight up and so I reached up, grabbed it out of the air, and threw it at Tim as hard as I could. It hit him squarely and he pretended to die. That was really hilarious.Story No.2:

Also, in 6th grade, we did some reports on animals. Each kid was given a different animal and then we did little plays where we played those animals. I was a raccoon. So I had a Zorro mask over my eyes and I took the pad off of a nunchuck (come on, you remember those), wrapped it in brown packing tape and then black electrical tape for the stripes. I fastened the tail to me with a belt. So I was crawling around during the play, with all these parents watching, and my tail fell off.  I stopped, looked at the audience, and said, "Ouch!" and promptly refastened my tail.

Pure comic genius, even at ages 11-12.
I don't have any pictures from either of these stories because cameras didn't exist back then. :-P.. Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

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