Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Just G.O. Away...

I woke up today and turned on ESPN News as I often do, only to find my least favorite subject as the breaking headline of the day, Terrell Owens.  Apparently, he may or may not have attempted suicide last night.  He denies it, the police report says otherwise.  Blah, blah, dee, fuck, dah...
I am so sick of hearing about this guy.  He makes Shaq seem anonymous.  It's repulsive and it's retarded.
And shame on ESPN for only furthering T.O.'s "everybody look at me" agenda.  He is not daily news.  He has never won anything.  ESPN is not supposed to beAccess Hollywood.
I'm not a football fan so I'm already in a bad mood about ESPN's (otherwise known as the Football Channel) constant coverage of the barbaric, overly complicated, penalty-riddled sport.  But the incessant "will he play or won't he" is verging on soap opera tabloid territory.
I don't have a solution to the problem.  It's not my job.  But if I had a "disappear" button, you can guess who'd be getting out of sight right about now... 
Well, him and Jack Johnson.  :-P  Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

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