Monday, September 24, 2007

It’s All In Your Nombre

Hey, kids!  My, what a lovely tea party! 
So I was watching The Omen (the original sans Julia Stiles) this evening, and I got to thinking what odd foresight the parents in the film had to name their son, the AntiChrist, Damien.  It's not like it's a common name.  Although, Steve the AntiChrist has kind of a ring to it.

Anyhoo, this got me thinking (hold onto ya butts). 
You know what never happens?  You never in your life meet someone with the last name, Killer.  I know I haven't.  Not yet anyhow.

Cause you think about last names and their origins and it's usually a "son of [your name here]" sort of name, or the town the family originated from, or in many cases the name of the man who used to own someone long ago.  But another common origin is someone's profession.

Now, I know being a killer isn't necessarily a profession, unless money changes hands of course, but you'd think that somewhere down the line in history, some dude was a known killer and he had a son.  And then it spreads.  Next thing you know, the Killers move in next door (no, not the group with the lead singer with the unnecessary vibratto).

But now that I think of it, you never meet anyone named, Whore, either.  Oh you'll meet whores, mind you.  You might even date one (or a few).  But no one with the name.  This of course is discounting any asian people named, Ho.  I don't think that that translates.

So, kids, what's the most unusual last names you've encountered?  Not just foreign names ('cause then mine might come up), unless they have an odd translation.  My last name actually roughly translates as "Brownland."  It's not very exciting but it could've been "shiteater" so I count my blessings.  Let me here your answers, kids.  It's fun, yes?  

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeah...  

:-P   Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

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