Saturday, January 28, 2006

With, but most likely without you

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::: Aaron
Birthplace ::: Chicago, Illinois
Age ::: 23
Age you act ::: 43
Current location ::: South San Diego, CA
Eye color ::: Green w/ a blue ring around the pupil at times
Hair color ::: Dirty Blonde, very dirty...
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: Right mostly, I'm a bit of a nambi-ambi.
Zodiac sign? ::: Libra, don't let the scale fool ya. It implements death swiftly.
Height? ::: 5'11"

[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::: Half-Polish(mom)/Half-German(dad)
Your hair ::: SOooo short. I got that haircut.
Your fears ::: spiders, heartbreak, disrespect
Your perfect room ::: Big Comfy bed, Plasma TVs at all angles, massive wall space for movie posters, big closet, dirty close (Correction: Clothes) hamper that sits under a basketball hoop (gotta practice my sky-hook)
What you practically do in a day ::: I watch too much TV, I eat too much, I school too much, I work too much (lies), I talk to myself, I laugh for everyone.

[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::: Adverbs.
Phrases you overuse ::: "I keeps it real." But I do.
Your first thought when you wake up ::: I will kill the man who invented the alarm clock, or his immediate next of kin!
Your greatest accomplishment ::: Is the person I've become
Something you want to do ::: Have a fulfilling relationship with someone who seeks to do the same. It's harder than it looks. Hehe, dirty...

[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King ::: McDonald's
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: Jessica Simpson
Chocolate or vanilla ::: Chocolate
Adidas or Nike ::: Adidas
Black or white ::: Black, it's a slimming color.
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: Bills, keep your damn change to yourself.
Burgers or hot dogs ::: Cheeseburgers and Bagel Dogs.
Egypt or France ::: Egypt, everybody needs a good curse.
Rock or rap ::: Rock!

[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::: I smoke air
Cuss ::: I reserve it for deserving occasions, like when describing the state of the union.
Sing well ::: God no.
Sing in the shower ::: Not really.
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::: It's how I think.
Believe in yourself ::: When I'm not all emo.
Like taking these longass surveys? ::: When the questions are good.
Play an instrument ::: Guitar, some bass, the jug.
Want to go to college? ::: No but unfortunately I've been enrolled for the last 5 years.
Want to get married? ::: Not right now but definitely.
Want to have children? ::: Yes, and I'm willing to put in long hours to get them...
Think you're a health freak? ::: Depends, is consuming mass-quantities of cheese healthy?
Get along with your parents ::: Yes.
Get along with your siblings? ::: Most of the time. We don't see eye-to-eye on DVD borrowing policies though.
Think you're popular ::: If I've got enemies, somethin' wrong with them.

[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::: Nope (Correction: Yes, Mexico!)
Drank alcohol
 ::: Nope
Smoke ::: Nope
Get high ::: Only on oxygen, softball, and good-times.
Done any drugs ::: Nope
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: Nope
Been on stage ::: Nope
Gone skinny dipping ::: That would just be asking for shrinkage...
Been dumped ::: Basically...
Dyed your hair ::: Nope
Stolen anything :::Nope

[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::: Wayne
Loudest ::: Becky, my work mom. It's cool though.
Most shy ::: I don't know, I usually fill that role. (Correction: Isaiah)
Blondest ::: What is this question implying? asks the dirty blonde.
Smartest ::: Ivan, if he could remember it.
Kindest ::: Everybody's pretty nice.
Best personality ::: Butch and (Correction: Gerry)
Most talented
 ::: Wayne, if he could commit to anything.
Best singer ::: Merilynn
Most ghetto ::: Omar, man's a gangsta.
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::: I could name a few but I don't hang out with them.
Pain in the ass ::: I wouldn't call a pain a friend. Joanna's a pain in my wallet. She always beats me at poker.
Funniest ::: Butch
Best person for advice ::: Butch and Merilynn.
Dependable ::: Jen, she's a producer.
Trustworthy ::: Butch
Druggie ::: God, who's not on drugs?!
Most likely to end up in jail ::: Rica, for pool-hustling.
Person you've known the longest ::: Wayne

[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::: Last night
Last nightmare ::: Don't remember
Car ride ::: Earlier today
Last time you cried ::: Memorial Day '04
Last movie seen ::: King Kong
Last movie rented ::: Personally? Vanilla Sky, it was so scratched I haven't rented since.
Last book read ::: Finished? The Anti-Christ by Friedrich Nietzsche
Last word said ::: "Go Sleepie..." to the dog.
Last curse word said ::: "Fuckin-A."
Last time you laugh ::: After every response.
Last phone call ::: Hours ago.
Last CD played ::: U2-Best of 1980-1990
Last song you listened to ::: "When Love Comes to Town" by U2
Last annoyance ::: Teammate highjackery!
Last IM ::: MySpace IM has been down for days (months)
Last weird encounter ::: A girl two-hand grabbed my ass at a Denny's. At a Denny's!
Last person you hugged ::: Merilynn
Last person you yelled at ::: Omar, beware the killer strippers!
Last time you've been evil ::: I'm never evil. I just keeps it real.
Sarcastic? ::: God no, never...<-------right there.
Last time you fought with your parents ::: I can't remember a good one.
Last time you wished upon a star ::: When I was a kid probably.
Played Truth or Dare ::: I can't recall.
Spent quality time alone ::: More often than healthy.

[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on ..:: On what? No!
Do you feel lonely ::: Eh, somewhat.
Ever TP'd someone's house ::: No, that'd be wasteful.
How about egging someone's house ::: Try egging people at a bus stop from a moving vehicle, granted I was driving.
Do you not like dislike not like me? ::: WTF, Mate?
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::: Uh... no?
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat th person next to you? ::: Probably.
What do you think of George Bush? ::: Man's dumber than a rock. He really can't hear himself speak either, the condescending prick.
Any secret fetishes? ::: No
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::: Nope
How many languages do you speak? ::: English, poquito espanol, igpay atinlay.

Friday, January 27, 2006

All I really need is someone like Phoebe...

Cates! For those of you blogfans that don't know, Phoebe Cates is the physical manifestation of the perfect girl for me.

For those of you who don't know who Phoebe Cates is, shame on you for living! Were you not alive in the 80's?! Remember GremlinsFast Times at Ridgemont HighPrivate SchoolDrop Dead FredPrincess Cariboo or Gremlins 2: The New Batch? If not, just put a bullet in your head right now. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Anyway, there's just something about her. Like a soft-hotness. It's subtle and yet loud and clear. She's like the Jessica Alba of the 80's except Phoebe could act, though she was type-cast.

Now I know what some of you in the know are thinking, "Aaron, you're thinking with your dick again. Silly, Aaron."

Well, you're wrong, mostly.

Let's do a quick checklist: She's a brunette (Aaron likes), she's 5'7 (Aaron likes), she looks exotic yet wholesome (she's half-filipino, Aaron likes), she's in the movies (like Aaron, Aaron likes), she can sing (2 tracks in Private School, title theme to Paradise, Aaron likes), and best of all she still looks great (at 42, lasting beauty, Aaron likes). See! She's perfect.

No, seriously though, if I could find a girl that looks like her and has a good heart and a sense of humor, I'd be set.

Anyone know any girls that fit the description, hook it up, man! I'll be your BFF. We'll get bracelets and everything. Seriously, make it happen.

Otherwise, I'll have to go kill Kevin Kline (her husband) and I don't want to do that, honestly. He's a decent actor. We could find him a replacement wife too. What's Loni Anderson doing these days? What about Suzanne Summers? We'll figure that out.

There's 9 months till my birthday, kids. Get to work! :-p Pbbbbbbth!!!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Honestly, this blog is just two surveys

..1 1. Honestly, where are you now? In the dining room. Where else would one log onto MySpace? 
2. Honestly, have you failed a subject in high school?Negatory. And that's the truthitude! 
3. Honestly, what's on your mind? First thing that came to my mind was I need a girlfriend. I also need to get my shit together for internships for the summer. I also should eat less. I need a haircut. Oh, and I need a girlfriend. 
4. Honestly, what is it you should really be doing right now? Working out or the aforementioned internship shit. 
5. Honestly, have you brushed your teeth today? Yes, and Scoped! 
6. Honestly, who are your best buddies in the world? Butch, Merilynn, sometimes Wayne, Ivan, Omar. 
7. Honestly, who is the hottest person you know? I'd like to say that I know Salma Hayek but that would be a lie and you said to be honest. Tie: Merilynn and Rica, who ironically are best friends. 
8. Honestly, are you a good friend? If you're my friend, I'd most likely kill for you. Try not to ask me to though, okay? 
9. Honestly, do you think school is important? Yes and no. Depends on the professors/teachers. 
10. Honestly, what are your dreams mostly about? I can never remember. I do recall having some recurring Friday the 13th style dreams. Who doesn't like to sweat while sleeping? 
11. Honestly, who or what makes you happy most of the time? Bullshitting with my buddies. Hot chicks produce good vibes as well. 
12. Honestly, what hobbies do you have? I play softball, watch sports, watch movies/TV, blog, myspaceout, converse with the homies, laugh, etc. 
13. Honestly, what song are you listening to? "Wendy Clear" by Blink-182 
14. Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment? I'm sure I could name a few people but that would lead to disappointment. 
15. Honestly, do you have a deadly disease? I have a form of idiot-charm that seems to work some of the time. 
16. Honestly, do you hate someone right now? People who don't understand SDSU parking lot code and this girl who never shuts up at school. Rather than name her, I'll give you guys a puzzle clue: ****a *****l. 
17. Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now? Jessica Simpson seems as though she could use one from someone who's not psychotic and her father
18. Honestly, are you bored? Not really. 
19. Honestly, who do you want to slap right now? The aforementioned girl from school. 
20. Honestly, wouldn't you rather be having sex right now? Uh, Yeah! 
21. Honestly, do you like someone? I'm in love with many girls I've seen on campus, though, I don't know them and I said a total of 4 words to 1 of them. 
22. Honestly, are you single?You really don't catch on, do you? 
23. Honestly, does anyone like you? If so, the clock is ticking. In twelve months, I'm leaving town. 

..2 I Live: in a town that will never be New Orleans, which I guess is now a good thing. 
I Work: at the concrete manifestation of hell. But the people are nice. 
I Talk: a lot about my lack of love from the ladies. I need some of that. I Wish: that wishing was a fruitful pursuit. 
I Enjoy: distorted guitars. 
I Look: like a buckethead. I need a haircut. 
I Find: I'm quite bored without any baseball to watch. 
I Smell: dog shit on my left shoe. 
I Listen: to people when they talk and remember every word. 
I Hide: behind my sunglasses when walking in large crowds. That shit's real, yo...
I Pray: ... Not! 
I Walk: quickly because I prefer to be somewhere rather than in transit. 
I Write: exactly what thoughts pass through my head. Full Disclosure, it's a policy. I See: a box of Trail Mix from Costco. Is there such thing as non-generic trail mix? 
I Sing: pretty off-key but quietly enough to relax a baby. 
I Laugh:because I've studied hard and I know what is truly funny. 
I Watch: dudes who get grabby with chicks at bars and I think to myself, "Easy there, Chief!" 
I Learn:something from everything. 
I Dream: more during the quiet times during the day than at night. 
I Want: too many things to possibly get all of them
I Cry: next to never. 
I Burnt: my knee, being an All-Star again. 
I Read: less than I ought to but quicker than most. 
I Love: when things are going well. With the ladies, to be more specific. 
I Sometimes: forget that I'm awesome and get all damned emo. 
I Touch: only where instructed to or allowed. With the ladies, to be more specific.
I Hurt: in the mornings lately. I'm too young for that shit... 
I Fear: people don't take me seriously cause I joke so often. 
I Break: your mother's legs if you don't pay! 
I Eat: too much too damned often. 
I Quit: caring about whether I should say certain things to certain people. Fuck It! 
I Drink: when I'm bored with being parched. 
I Hug: anybody who asks. I'm a giver. 
I Meditate: never, Daniel son. 
I Play: softball like my whole life is on trial. 
I Miss: not having to work and the Game Center. 
I Forgive: too often. 
I Drive: like my ass is on fire. 
I Have: to do more with my free time. 
I Don't: wanna go to school tomorrow. 
I Made: my RWS 305W class laugh today, by just keeping it real. 
I Kiss: whenever. No restrictions. 
I Feel: kind of down but that's probably just momentary or something. 
I Know: a lot of "useless trivia." 
I Wonder: if there are any non-gay cowboys out there and if so, Grow the fuck up, man, we don't ride horses anymore and you're not cool cause you dress different!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Guess who's back in school, motherfuckers???

Wait a minute. That's not something to be excited about. Makes you wanna shake out the cold really. Yes, boys and girls, it's that time again. It's time for me to dust off the old backpack, clear out the old binder, put on the old pants (???), and get my ass to class. I started off tonight with a bang. And by "bang" I mean I fell asleep. Seriously, what does it mean for a semester when you go to your very first class and promptly pass out. It's not even like I was tired, kids. In all fairness, I had my International Cinema class, which is taught by the ever loveable, Aging Hippie Liberal Douche (sounds like an Ang Lee film), I had last semester. TFM kids ought to be able to figure out who I'm referring to, though their opinion may differ. So anyway, he starts us off with a surrealist film from 1930. For those who don't know what that style entails, it is quite simple: Take everything you love about movies, and throw them the fuck out! There you have it. Nonsensical images juxtaposed nonsensically. Movies that would make Freud go, "What the fuck were they on?!" I watched the first ten minutes and checked into the Hotel Morpheus (thanks Durbin). I woke up and had no idea where I was in the movie and I'm certain I'd feel the same had I stayed awake. *shakes out the cold* So that's how it starts. I can't wait for some more of that shit! Oh yeah, more of that shit... :-P Pbbbbbbbbth!!! P.S. For anyone with a masochistic streak, the movie we watched was called The Blood of the Poet by Jean Cocteau. Rent it on a sleepless night. Trust me.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Hey Now! I'm an All-Star!

Hey there, kiddies!  I just finished the last game with Team STEVE.  That's coed-softball for, at times, the greatest softball team ever.  Here are my season stats:
.935 ba -That's batting average for you neophites.  It means I got a hit 95% of the times I swung the bat.  20/21.  It's pretty spectacular, no matter how slow the pitching is.  I was batting 1.000 (which is perfect) until my first at-bat of the final game but I popped up weakly and the pitcher caught it.  :-(
.965 obp -That's on-base-percentage, kids.  It means I got on-base 96% of the times I came up to bat, by either getting a hit, taking a walk, or reaching base on an error.  27/28.  Also very awesome.
19 Runs Scored -This is fairly straight forward.  I scored 19 runs in 9 games.  When you consider that I am a leadoff hitter, this is further intensified.  My job is to get on-base and to score runs.  I did that and then some.
12 RBI -These are runs batted in.  This is when somebody is on-base and I'm at-bat and they score as a result of what I did at the plate.  It's a pretty damn good total considering where I bat in the order.  I got 5 RBI in one game, which is pretty slick.
4 Doubles -There could have been more of these.  Usually when I get a single, I hustle down to first and see if I can make it to 2nd base.  There were a few times where I remember I held up because I took too long to think about it.  It's not a bad total though, I've just had more before.
1 Triple -This one exists because of hustle and technicality.  What happened was, I earned the triple and then heard somebody from my team say to go for home.  So I went for it, nearly fell down after tripping at third and was thrown out easily.  Se la vi, but I still earned the triple.
1 Homerun -This one I'm proud of because not only was it our team's first at-bat of the game but I also earned it with my speed and aggressiveness.  I didn't, by any means, hit this ball over any fence.  I hit it to the right-centerfielder, he had trouble with it, and I just kept on running, like a gazelle.  Boo-yah.  Boy, was I dead tired afterwards though.  Nearly coughed up a lung.
So that was my Fall 2005 Season as player/manager of the infamous Team STEVE.  We finished up 4-6 but we're headed to the playoffs next week as the 4th seed out of 4.  Nobody expected it and nobody'll see us coming, while we're kickin' their asses!  ;-P Pbbbbbth!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

What DO I want???

1) Do you prefer girls with long hair or short hair? I prefer long hair. It's more versatile. I've gotta be able to run my fingers through it. Every now and again short hair just works but that usually is because of the girl. 
2) Most attractive feature of a girl is? It's always going to be the eyes, in accompaniment to the face. I'm sure there'll be more questions along this line so I'm gonna hold off on any more explanation. 
3) HONESTLY, when it comes down to dating a person, do looks really count? Absolutely. But it's all case by case and what I like, which can be anything, case by case. 
4) Do you like girls who smoke? No. Not at all. Not anything. Major turnoff. 
5) Do you prefer dating hootchie girls or innocent girls? I like a girl whose got a little of both in her. God help us if I've gotta bring all the spice into our relationship. 
6) Are you possesive of girls you like? I hope not. I like to do little things for my lady. Sometimes that takes knowledge of where's and when's. I always come from a good place no matter what happens. 
7) Would you rather date an older, younger or same age girl?It's really all about maturity. Any age can have it. I always keep it legal though.
8) The biggest turnoff from a girl? Dishonesty.  Tell me the truth, even if it hurts. 
9) Would you want a girl that is or is not a virgin? Probably a little of both. A healthy sexuality is hot but I'm not down for whores, or whips and chains.
10)Would you date a girl your friend likes or used to like? I've actually done that, she dumped me, and now they're together. 
11)HONESTLY speaking, does the weight of a girl matter to you a lot? It does. What I mean is, I like healthy. I like curves, not rolls. Too much in either direction just isn't sexy. But again, I take this issue on a case by case basis. 
12)Would you date girls out of your race?Would I?! When haven't I? It's true I've only dated latinas but that's somewhat of a coincidence. And quite frankly I should be applauded. I cross cultures, I heal the wounds of time. And latinas are really fuckin' hot! Can I get an "Amen?"
13)Are you old fashioned and would pay for dinner, movies, etc for the girl? I am a little. But I won't argue if she throws her money down. This is kind of a trick question too because when you go to a restaurant for a first date, guess who they give the check to? Think about it. I'm down to share costs though, it's cool.
14)Do you prefer more shy girls, or more party like wild girls? Again, a little of both. I think it's good to get out but sometimes you two just need quiet alone-time. 
15)List FOUR important things you look for in a girl? 1)  Honesty 2)  Communication 3)  Looks 4)  Maturity