Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Don't cry for me, Argentina.

Hey there, kids.  I haven't blogged lately so here's an update of things that have happened.
School started.  I had to crash 2 classes, Basic Audio and Intermediate Film.  I got into Basic Audio.  There was talk about opening another section of Intermediate Film but in the end the money doesn't add up.  I'm 99% standing outside looking in.  Unless some dumb schlub drops the course and I get to be the one added, my collaborations with Jen are over, like forever.  The thought of it sucks everytime I think it.  There goes the fun and the dirty jokes, both on set and off.  Nobody else will have the ability, the know-how, or the pizzazz that my little Jen has.  Sorry to those of you that think you do, but no.
God, I'm all emo lately!  Let me know if that's good or bad.  Maybe I need to walk it off or something. 
*walks around in circles*
Nope, didn't work.  Ah well.  In other news, I'm starting up a coed softball team.  I'm going to be player/manager, so if it sucks, it's my fault!  It should be fun-times regardless.
One bright note about school is that I only had to buy one book this semester.  It was $83 used but at least it's the only one.  Ahh, I just got sad again.  It sucks, I don't recommend it, kids.  Oh no...

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