Friday, September 23, 2005

Damn, if I were a field mouse I'd be dead

 was minding my own business working on an audio project in the West Commons at school, when all of a sudden a hawk (yes, I said HAWK) slammed into the glass window inside the commons.  He full on slammed into it too.  I happened to be sitting along the glass at the time so I was stunned to say the least. 
The hawk, though, he was down-right flustered.  It got back up and shook itself up and tried to fly out of the commons.  But of course being that it is a bird, it flew the wrong way.  I guess it pirched on top of the US Bank and I just about forgot about it.
Then all of a sudden something flies closely behind my head and goes THUD against the glass.  It then crashes down onto my backpack which was between my feet.  I thought somebody threw something at me.  A thought to which I thought, "Damn, didn't I graduate high school?!"
But it was that damned hawk.  It sat near my feet for a second and shook its head.  It got up and flew towards the door and the canyon beyond it.  Some dude happened to be walking in the doors at that exact moment. 
Imagine, if you will, for one second what this poor guy saw.  He saw doors, he opened them, and then he saw a hawk flying full-bore at his head.  He's gonna need therapy.
Instinctively he ducked and the hawk got out the doors and flew back to tell Mrs. Hawk about the strange invisible barriers he crashed into and the dude on his laptop who witnessed it all (me).
Strange times we are living in, kiddies.  Oh yeah.

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