Friday, August 3, 2007

I Am Such A Rager

Hey, kids!  So I realize that I'm not much for doing the "Friday night things" that my peers and contemporaries do, but it still never ceases to dig at me that I can't/couldn't figure out anything to do tonight.
I mean, I watched the Padres game on TV and ate a DiGiorno, and that's pretty much it.  These activities did have their merits, mind you.  The pizza was excellent.  I'm really getting the hang of this frozen pizza thing.  And the game featured the historic matchup of Barry Bonds vs. Greg Maddux.  Sadly, no historic homerun, but an enjoyable watch none-the-less.
I can say I'm not that bad because I looked over and saw that my dad was watching C-SPAN.  So at least I've got that going for me...
Ooh!  Although, I will not be writing a Comic-Con blog this year because I don't have much to add to what you see in the pictures, I do have a few things I'd like to say, in the form of Big-Ups.
To my sister for letting me use her Petco parking pass during the 'Con.  Not only did I get to stroll in whenever I wanted, I did so knowing I would have a reserved parking space and said space would be free.  Thanks, Cur-Say!
To Rose and Alan for saving me a seat in Hall H for the Rogue Pictures panel.  2nd row, people!  That's like, as they say in NorCal, hella-close.  You guys are awesome!
And finally, to Amanda M., Cecelia, Stephen, Daniel C. and Anthony, Sean and Kathleen, and my former co-workers/friends for hanging out for the amount that you did.  It's much more fun to talk to you than to myself, and it looks a lot less creepy (I hope).
With that being said I'd like to send some No-Ups as well.
To the few non-believer, crystal ball up their ass, Comic-Con staffers who attempted to close off rooms/halls prematurely.  This was my 9th Comic-Con and it's held at my former place of employment.  I think I can figure out how many people fit in a room (A Lot) and how many of the people in-line will be left out (None).  I totally missed the Indy 4 panel because of you fuckers.  Now, just stand at the door like a good boy and shut the fuck up.
To the chairs at the Convention Center.  You are not properly made for asses.  I said "Good day, Sir!"
Having said these things, I believe I'm done.
If'n you're still wantin' to see them-there Commie-Con photos (and some bideos) go here:
Goodnight, my babies.  :-P   Pbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

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