Friday, October 6, 2006

Should I wear a Beret or an Ape-Suit?

Hey kids.  I'm still a little sick, hence the bloggie on a Friday night.  My birthday is a week from today so this cold better get the fuck outta Dodge.  PRONTO.
Anywhoo, in other news, I went down to the film commission on Wednesday with my producer, Matt, to discuss my filmie.  We had all sorts of legal questions about filming in a car on city streets and we basically got our asses handed to us on that front.  The lady told us that we needed to hire 2 cops (TWO), one to lead, one to follow; and best of all they come at cop prices (about $250 w/ a 4-hour minimum).  I SOoo don't feel like paying for that. 
We were also informed that if we shoot in an alley that cars can fit through, it's considered a thoroughfare so we would need, you guessed it, 2 (TWO) cops to stop traffic.  I know full well that we'll be shooting longer than 4-hours so adhering to these rules would shoot my budget WAY above what I feel like paying.
So here's what I'm gonna do.  I'm gonna shoot GUERILLA-style!  I'll be like the Che Guevara of TFM, a Zapatista of Cinemista (...?), and a freeloading freedom fighter for Fred's Friend (that's my movie).
It's gonna be tricky, it's gonna take planning, it may be dangerous, and I may be arrested. 
How cool is that???
On a more serious note, the Cardinals won again so I'm feeling pretty good.  Oh yeah (the triumphant return).

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