Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Best Problem To Have

Hey kids!  God, I am so full.  Remind me to never eat La Bella's again (actually do it and I will SLAY YOU).  It's slowing my brain.  I've got so much to do and so little motivation.  But enough wasting your time.
So we put out some ads on Craig's List for actors for our filmie.  We put out an ad for the lead, Fred.  Responses have been minimal.  Besides that, or along with that, the dudes responding are like male-models when I want an average looking guy.  We'll still audition them 'cause you never know what an actor can do until you see 'em but it's hard to believe that these dudes will be able to "get ugly."  We'll see.
We put out ads for Jake who is an older man.  So far, I think the dudes responding are too old.  I admit that this is the character that I have the most trouble seeing in my head.  I know that I don't want him to look like a criminal, and that's about it.  This bothers me.  We'll see.
On to the best problem to have:
We put out an ad for a young woman between 18 and 25, preferrably a brunette to play Rita.  And wouldn't you know it, every actress from here to Alberta, Canada (literally) wants to play this part.  I had to pull the ad today because the response has been massive.  We're getting tons of models wanting to branch out into acting too.  If they're weren't so hot, it would be frightening.  And maybe that's precisely why they are frightening...
So it looks like we're gonna audition close to 20 hot girls for 1 non-huge role.  Best problem to have...  6 dudes for the lead, 20 chicks for a one scene character.  I can't complain, I guess. 
And here's the audition:  "Try to seduce me.  Without words."
I am so going to hell.  Oh yeah.  :-P  Pbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

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