Hey kids! I didn't think it was possible but my Cardinals won the World Series!!!
I didn't think they'd beat the Padres.
I didn't think they'd beat the Mets.
I thought it was the Tigers' year.
The Cards proved me wrong everytime.
Exactly 1 week after I was born they won the World Series. Exactly 2 weeks after my 24th birthday, they won it again. Coincidence??? Who cares?!
Congrats, guys! You earned it every step of the way.
David Eckstein is the MVP of the Series.
I say, "Eckstein for President!"
I've been celebrating a bit, in case this seems scattered. I'm also still in shock. I don't know why but there were fireworks coming from Mexico right after the game.
I guess that must have been how Mexicans say, "HOLY-FUCK-BALLS!!!"
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