Friday, October 27, 2006


Hey kids!  I didn't think it was possible but my Cardinals won the World Series!!!
I didn't think they'd beat the Padres.
I didn't think they'd beat the Mets.
I thought it was the Tigers' year.
The Cards proved me wrong everytime.
Exactly 1 week after I was born they won the World Series.  Exactly 2 weeks after my 24th birthday, they won it again.   Coincidence???  Who cares?!
Congrats, guys!  You earned it every step of the way.
David Eckstein is the MVP of the Series. 
I say, "Eckstein for President!"
I've been celebrating a bit, in case this seems scattered.  I'm also still in shock.  I don't know why but there were fireworks coming from Mexico right after the game.
I guess that must have been how Mexicans say, "HOLY-FUCK-BALLS!!!"

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What goes on your leg when you break it?

A cast, silly children! We're finally done casting my filmie and so I'm going to introduce them to you all.   If you've read the script this will probably be more interesting but if not, "Look! Pictures!"

Here's our hero "Fred" which will be played by Josh.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Here's our pretty lady/prostitute (or is she???) "Rita" which will be played by Karen. 

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Here's our bankrobber "Jake" which will be played by Mark. 

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

And finally, introducing the world's newest star, playing the part of "Friend", it's Herman! 

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

What do you think?  I'm excited.  Now we just need everything else!

Oh?  Yeah!  :-P  Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Candle Blower

Hey, kids!  I've been thinking for the last hour or so that when I blew out my birthday candles on Thursday night, I didn't wish for anything.  I just went blank.  Not even the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man came to mind.  So I'd like to make a wish right now for anyone reading beyond my Ghostbusters reference.
I wish to meet a woman.  A simple girl really.  A woman who means what she says and says what she means.  A girl that not only loves to laugh, but lives to laugh.  A girl with enthusiasm and passion, who is creative and practical.  A woman who surprises me but doesn't keep me guessing.  When something is wrong, she lets me know because she knows that I care and therefore want to know.  She does the little things, as will I, and we would do the big things together (hehe, dirty).  A woman who is an optimist and a realist and a skeptic and an idealist.  A girl who always wants more but knows how to cherish the stuff most take for granted.  A woman who is unafraid of who she is or the things she thinks.  If she wants something, she asks, and she's specific.  She finds adventure in the ordinary and makes the boring extraordinary.  A woman who will love me for who I am and helps me grow.  A woman who can sit and have a great time doing nothing.  She doesn't shy from taboo subjects because she knows that talking never hurts.  She doesn't look to a creator for comfort because she knows that support is found at home and within.  And finally, a woman who earns it and shares it with those special to her.
Yep, that's pretty much my wish.  I'm not desperate to find her but I look forward to meeting her.
Of course, now that I've written my wish out as a blog, it's not going to happen as is the nature of wishes.  Oh... Yeah.  :-P  Pbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Hey kids!  I want to thank everyone who came to my birthday party last night.  I had so much fun and laughed more than I could have hoped.  I love you guys, all of you, old friends and new.  We should do this more often, and the world would be a better place.
To those that didn't come, you better have good excuses.  But you missed out on some good-times so I really don't feel that bad. 
I posted the pictures, and video, on my photobucket under the headings 2-4 and2-4-The Musical.  Check 'em out.  Thanks again.

Friday, October 13, 2006

The Old Man Is Older

Hey kids!  It's my birthday again (every year this happens) and so I'm gonna tell you how it feels to be 24.
It's okay.  I'm still feeling it out, you know?  It's like trying on a new pair of shoes.  They're kind of a change and you're not sure if you like them.  So you walk around a bit and look in the little foot-high mirrors.  Then you kind of grit your teeth and mull it over and then you finally decide that you'll buy them.
That's pretty much how I feel.  It's like, "Ehh... Okay." 
24, kids.  One day, you'll buy it too.  Oh yeah.  :-P  Pbbbbbbbbth!!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Best Problem To Have

Hey kids!  God, I am so full.  Remind me to never eat La Bella's again (actually do it and I will SLAY YOU).  It's slowing my brain.  I've got so much to do and so little motivation.  But enough wasting your time.
So we put out some ads on Craig's List for actors for our filmie.  We put out an ad for the lead, Fred.  Responses have been minimal.  Besides that, or along with that, the dudes responding are like male-models when I want an average looking guy.  We'll still audition them 'cause you never know what an actor can do until you see 'em but it's hard to believe that these dudes will be able to "get ugly."  We'll see.
We put out ads for Jake who is an older man.  So far, I think the dudes responding are too old.  I admit that this is the character that I have the most trouble seeing in my head.  I know that I don't want him to look like a criminal, and that's about it.  This bothers me.  We'll see.
On to the best problem to have:
We put out an ad for a young woman between 18 and 25, preferrably a brunette to play Rita.  And wouldn't you know it, every actress from here to Alberta, Canada (literally) wants to play this part.  I had to pull the ad today because the response has been massive.  We're getting tons of models wanting to branch out into acting too.  If they're weren't so hot, it would be frightening.  And maybe that's precisely why they are frightening...
So it looks like we're gonna audition close to 20 hot girls for 1 non-huge role.  Best problem to have...  6 dudes for the lead, 20 chicks for a one scene character.  I can't complain, I guess. 
And here's the audition:  "Try to seduce me.  Without words."
I am so going to hell.  Oh yeah.  :-P  Pbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

Friday, October 6, 2006

Should I wear a Beret or an Ape-Suit?

Hey kids.  I'm still a little sick, hence the bloggie on a Friday night.  My birthday is a week from today so this cold better get the fuck outta Dodge.  PRONTO.
Anywhoo, in other news, I went down to the film commission on Wednesday with my producer, Matt, to discuss my filmie.  We had all sorts of legal questions about filming in a car on city streets and we basically got our asses handed to us on that front.  The lady told us that we needed to hire 2 cops (TWO), one to lead, one to follow; and best of all they come at cop prices (about $250 w/ a 4-hour minimum).  I SOoo don't feel like paying for that. 
We were also informed that if we shoot in an alley that cars can fit through, it's considered a thoroughfare so we would need, you guessed it, 2 (TWO) cops to stop traffic.  I know full well that we'll be shooting longer than 4-hours so adhering to these rules would shoot my budget WAY above what I feel like paying.
So here's what I'm gonna do.  I'm gonna shoot GUERILLA-style!  I'll be like the Che Guevara of TFM, a Zapatista of Cinemista (...?), and a freeloading freedom fighter for Fred's Friend (that's my movie).
It's gonna be tricky, it's gonna take planning, it may be dangerous, and I may be arrested. 
How cool is that???
On a more serious note, the Cardinals won again so I'm feeling pretty good.  Oh yeah (the triumphant return).

Tuesday, October 3, 2006


Hey kids!  So today I got one big project done at school.  I directed the break-up scene from Say Anything for my directing class (oddly enough).  I chose this scene because I know it well.  I have lived this scene close to a half-dozen times now and I must tell you, it's a lot more fun to watch Cusack go through it.  But enough "boo-hoo for me."
So, we've been rehearsing this scene for a few weeks now (by "we" I mean myself, Erica, and Jude), and today we filmed it in the Intermediate TV class. That's 261 for those in the know.  I must say Erica (as Diane) and Jude (as Lloyd, as though I need to clarify this) knocked it right out of the park.  Much like Pujols did to Peavy, but that's a whole 'nother story... 
I wasn't worried because if there's one thing I do well, it's casting.  But I'd like to think I've got some skill as a director.  Any detractors please come forward, or forever hold your peace (hehe, hold your piece).  I am italisizing a lot today.  Hmmm...
So I'm very happy about that, despite the level my cold has reached today.  It's hot out and I've got a fever but yet I'm freezing.  My sleep was completely restless but I'm still pretty awake.  Se la vi, or se la virus?
I can breathe a little easier for a while (not literally, on a count of the cold) as things are getting moving with my movie.  It's constantly on my mind, which should make my producer happy.  But seriously, could my nose stop running?! 
Anyway, that's where I'm at today.  Is alright.  Could... uh... be better.  Did I mention the Cardinals won?  Oh yes, they did.
How are you?  Do you have a cold?  Did your team win today?  This blog stuff can't be all about me (just mostly).  Wish me good health, or go die in a fire, homies.  Word.  :-P  Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

Monday, October 2, 2006

2 Grains of Sand from the Hourglass

Hey kids.  While I'm home and sick, I've decided to put these gold nugget stories from a recent bulletin into the blog archive.  Hope you enjoy them more than I'm enjoying my current sore throat!
Story No.1:
In 5th grade, we did a Thanksgiving thing where the class sang turkey songs or some nonsense.  All these parents were there watching but I don't recall being told our parents could come, hence, mine weren't there.  Anyway, during the last song, we had a guy, this booger-eating malcontent, Tim Warcup, dressed up as a turkey and I played the hunter. Someone had made me a bow (actually a real bow) and arrow (construction paper) but the arrow was too short. So when I fired it at him, the arrow flew straight up and so I reached up, grabbed it out of the air, and threw it at Tim as hard as I could. It hit him squarely and he pretended to die. That was really hilarious.Story No.2:

Also, in 6th grade, we did some reports on animals. Each kid was given a different animal and then we did little plays where we played those animals. I was a raccoon. So I had a Zorro mask over my eyes and I took the pad off of a nunchuck (come on, you remember those), wrapped it in brown packing tape and then black electrical tape for the stripes. I fastened the tail to me with a belt. So I was crawling around during the play, with all these parents watching, and my tail fell off.  I stopped, looked at the audience, and said, "Ouch!" and promptly refastened my tail.

Pure comic genius, even at ages 11-12.
I don't have any pictures from either of these stories because cameras didn't exist back then. :-P.. Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!