Sunday, November 27, 2005

You Stupid Fucking Kids...

A few things were brought to my attention today by the youth of America and I feel the ever-present need to respond in the only way I know how: Blog the shit out of it! 

Gripe..1: Under no circumstances can anyone, anywhere be both punkand a hardcore Christian. They are contradictory to each other. Punk is, at it's very core, anti-establishment. You cannot be anti-establishment when you arethe establishment! What says establishment, rules, and restriction more than fucking religion?! Come the fuck on. You cannot wear your ripped t-shirt, spiked collar, and sport your mohawk to a Christian music fest. It's against all that is holy, to punks! What's next? A mosh pit at a Creed show?! You're shitting me, right? You can't be about stickin' it to "the man" because "God" is "the man". It disgusts me as human being to see such things. It's awful. Don't do it. 

Gripe ..2:Starbucks should card people. No one under the age of 18 has any earthly business drinking coffee. Be a fucking kid. You've got the energy. You've got no worries. You get your allowance, you borrow your dad's car, and now you're drinking fuckin' mochachinos?! Where did this world go backwards? Did kids see this on "the O.C.", "Laguna Beach", or "the Real World"? Or did they learn it from their older siblings, with their coffee-house talk and their coffee-house logic? Don't get me wrong. Too many damned people drink too much damned coffee, period. But it just looks wrong to see a 15 year old girl turn the corner with her cell phone in one hand and an iced latte in the other. It's wrong. Make it stop. 

Gripe ..3: Shut the fuck up. Teenagers talk too much. I remember being much quieter in my teens. I like me better. 

Explanation: I don't mean to go all Andy Rooney here. But I feel like shit's gotten out of whack in the past few years. I'm all for growth and new technologies. I hope to someday that there will in factbe an I-Pod that will wipe my ass for me. I just think kids, our kids, are growing up way too fast and are given way too much. I don't think it's healthy. I guess at the end of the day, it's just my opinion. But it's probably right. ;-P Pbbbth!!!

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