Hey, kids! I just voted and I feel GREAT about it. I'm being sarcastic, of course. I didn't give a damn about any of the issues and ignored every ad and every annoying recorded message phonecall (Rob Reiner, Schwarzenegger, etc.).
This afternoon, Election Day, I finally looked at the ballot. "Holy Shit!", I said to myself as I realized there was an abortion initiative. I'm pro-choice (and you can go fuck yourself if you have a problem with that), so I was shocked to see that such an initiative had gotten so little publicity.
It would, if passed, put into law a mandatory 48 hour waiting period and parental notification before performing an abortion on any girl under age 18. Now, I'm not promoting young girls getting knocked up but, by god, let them handle it like adults if they choose abortion. An abortion is consequence enough. Now we've gotta involve Mommy and Daddy in it?! I think that the girl, and guy, should let their parents know what's going on in their lives but if they feel the need to keep it private, that is their right. A 48 hour wait is just ridiculous at this point.
The way I see it, this is just another attempt by the religious right (they do exist) to control every woman's vagina. 48 hours, for what?! So maybe she'll change her mind! Parental notification, for what?! So they can talk her out of it! The world doesn't need more young mothers or more kids for adoption. We've got plenty. End of story.
Unrelated to the previous intiative, was a measure to make it illegal for labor unions to spend union dues on political causes or contributions. This is just useless and stupid. I'm a Teamster, Local 542. I had to join for my job, don't ask me why. I pay 18 bucks a month. For what? I don't know. I don't really care either. They're gonna take it out of my check regardless of what they're gonna spend it on. And if I have a problem that needs union attention, do you really think they're gonna be too broke, from the contributions they make, to help me out? Nope.
They'll be doing just fine. They'll still be sending me annoying credit card offers and magazines with all sorts of ultra-liberal propaganda that automatically end up in the trash. No! The Recycle Can! Why hurt the planet and my eyes at the same time???
Cause it's the American Way!
Disclaimer: This blog is in no way meant to persuade anyone on how to vote,ever. That being said, again, if you have a problem with something I've written, please feel free and Blow it our your Cornhole.
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