I AM: surprisingly awake considering I've been up nearly 20 hours straight.
I WANT: to find the girl I've been looking for.
I HAVE: to get emo sometimes.
I WISH: people would wake up and cop to their bullshit. George W., anything to say?I HATE: people who lack enthusiasm for fun things and get away with it.
I MISS: not having pressures and responsibilities.
I FEAR: spiders, till I kill them.
I WONDER: why some people can't look in the mirror and see the ridiculousness that is them.
I REGRET: spending so much money on renting my Halloween costume.
I LOVE: the crazy things I think up.
I AM NOT: your whipping post nor your fall guy.
I DANCE: more often now than I used to, which isn't much.
I SING: simple sentences or phrases that people say for no reason other than it's funny to me.
I CRY: less than I probably ought to as a human being.
I AM NOT ALWAYS: clear about what I want or want to say.
I WRITE: fairly well considering all my years of video games (carpal tunnel much?).
I CONFUSE: friendship for romantic compatability (Now that shit's deep).
I NEED: to get my act together and work on school stuff.
I SHOULD: watch less TV.
x. My father thinks I am: weird.
x. My mother thinks I am: so handsome that girls should be knocking down the door. I tend to agree.
x. My boyfriend/girlfriend thinks I am: a stranger she hasn't met yet.
x. Three things I am often complimented for: 1.my sense of humor (they laugh) 2.my halloween costumes 3. my good-times personality
x. I get embarrassed when: people stare at me at length.
x. It upsets me when: people don't acknowledge the fact that I'm angry and I (like any human being) deserve the respect and dignity of an apology.
yes or no...
x. I keep a diary: No but I'm bloggalicious!
x. I like to cook: Not really. I don't have the patience.
x. I have a secret I have not shared with anyone: Probably not.
x. I set my watch a few minutes ahead: No, I used to but now I just don't care that much about being on time.
x. I bite my fingernails: Yes, and screw you for judging me with your eyes!
x. I believe in love: I do. Ooh, now we're like married...
My closest friends are: growing in numbers I think.
My most overused phrase on IM is: hello.
The last image/thought I go to sleep with is: "Goddamn I'm tired."
Favorite inside joke is: Hooch is crazy! Either that or a-Skeet, skeet, skeet, skeet, skeet!!!
Do You...?
Take a shower everyday: Usually, but if I'm not doing anything, why waste the water?
Have a(any) crush(es): Here and there but nothing major.
Want to get married: Yes, someday my princess will come.
Have any tattoos/where: No sireee bob.
Piercings/where?: Nunca
Get motion sickness: Not really.
Think you're a health freak: huh? oh. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Get along with your parents: We do for the most part.
Ryan: Klesko, my sister loves him.
Rob: what you do to a bank.
Dan: Danimal!
Tiffany: "I think we're alone now, doesn't seem to be anyone a-round..."
Paul: Tesner, this guy I used to work with and play softball for.
John: Other guy!!!
James: James (Jim) Patrick Edmonds, my favorite baseball player.
Billy: Bildo!
Nick: alodean.
Patrick: Swayze, I gotta resurrect that guy's career, by force if necessary.
Kim: "Kim kimminey, kim kimminey, kim kim kurrie..."
Chris: Cursay! my sister Chrissy.
HELPED SOMEONE? Yes, I do that from time to time.
GONE OUT FOR DINNER? If the school commons counts?
SAID I LOVE YOU? I think so, to my mom or the dogs.
WRITTEN A REAL LETTER? I'm not much for letter writin'.
TALKED TO AN EX? That godless savage?! No way.
WRITTEN IN A JOURNAL? This is pretty bloggerrific...
MISSED SOMEONE? Eh, not really.
HUGGED SOMEONE? Yes, it's always Gerry when I fill out these things.
FOUGHT WITH A FRIEND? Minor verbal squabbles. Yes, I used the word "squabble."
Would You Ever...
1. Eat a bug? Depends on how big and how many legs it has.
2. Bungee jump? Sure
3. Hang glide? Probably not.
4. Kill someone? If they tried to kill me.
7. Have sex with someone of the same sex? I'm not much for the Hershey Highway (not that there's anything wrong with those that are).
8. Parachute from a plane? Bring it on.
9. Walk on hot coals? I might as well.
10. Go out with someone for their looks? Not more than once.
11. For their reputation? It depends on what the reputation is. If it's positive then yeah.
12. Be a vegetarian? I'm not much for these so-called veggie-tables.
13. Wear plaid with stripes? I'm just not cool enough.
14. IM a stranger?: I've done that. I kinda blew that conversation but I kept it real!
15. Sing karaoke?: I'd probably clam up.
17. Shoplift? Done that, in minor way.
18. Run a red light? Just you try and stop me...
19. Star in a porn video? Jeebus. I think not.
20. Dye your hair blue? Only the spray on stuff. I've done green once. And black.
21. Be on Survivor? I don't think so. Bug-bites and I don't mix.
22. Skinny Dip? If the water's warm...
23. Kiss some of the same sex? I don't think so. Dudes are pretty gross, myself excluded.
24. Have a threesome? With 2 chicks, maybe, but not while in a serious relationship.
25. Run naked down the street? If the weather's warm...
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