Hey there, kiddies! I am home from my vacation and I'm going to tell you all about it. Here goes:
We (Butch, Ivan, and I) arrived in Las Vegas at about 5 pm Friday afternoon. We caught a cab to the MGM and the driver made a comment about my exceedingly large suitcase (ladies, read into that whatever you like). For that and his shitty "shortcut" I should've tipped less but nobody was spoiling my fun. So we checked into the hotel and went up to our room, 19-127. As we walked from the elevator to our room there was a large black and white picture of Frank Sinatra on the wall and I thought that was fitting considering the fun I imagined I was going to have. From then on I gave Frank "the gun" everytime I passed him.
Our room was pretty nice. It had 2 queen-size beds (2 beds, 3 dudes, somehow it doesn't add up), a great view of New York New York, and marble floors in the bathroom. The shower had this odd handlebar on the wall and that sent my imagination off into dirty (or clean) shower sex land. We stayed in the room for a bit to regroup from the flight (all of an hour long). We decided to go eat dinner so we went downstairs to hit the buffet. That is, of course, until we saw the price. $26.99! No food is that good, sir, I will pass. We continued to walk around the hotel and found the poker "room". I say "room" because I define a room as having at least 3 walls and a door and the poker "room" had none.
We ended up eating across the street at the ESPN Zone. The regular restaurant was full so we went upstairs to the bar/arcade and were greeted warmly by girls in short skirts writhing on the horse race game. Sweet deal. While we ate, we watched some tubby guy get knocked out by some dude who waxed his eyebrows on Friday Night Fights. My burger was pretty awesome, until it made contact with my colon. We went back to our room to regroup.
After paying homage to the porcelain god, we changed into our fancy clothes and headed over to Studio 54, a club in our hotel. It was a pretty awesome club and that is high praise coming from me as clubs aren't really my scene (though the scenery is great). We even got in free! When we got in, there was this old guy breakin' it down like a champ! God love the elderly. Myself and Ivan pretty much hung out on the second floor while Butch danced as per usual. The club had some hot go-go dancers and people were constantly dropping from the ceiling on swings and such. The music was pretty good too. They started off with 70's and then all of a sudden they played Guns & Roses' "Sweet Child O' Mine" mixed with a hip-hop beat. It made me want to dance. How crazy is that shit?
At around 12:30am, Ivan and I got bored and left the club. We figured out how the poker "room" worked and then went out and walked the Strip. Ivan collected stripper cards and I got a soda at 7-11 (as opposed to 9/11). We reached the Bellagio by 2am and stopped to watch the fountain show. After an hour of waiting, we realized that it probably stopped at midnight. So we went back to the room.
Butch stumbled into the room at 3am. None of us were tired so we changed out of our nice clothes and walked the Strip. We ended up at the Wynn (not that great, the second "N" makes it evil) around 5am. That's about a 3 mile walk from the MGM and we were dying. We knew we'd never make the walk back and we saw that the Wynn had a shuttle to the monorail that goes to our hotel. We went to where it picks up but the shuttle didn't start till 6am. We waited till about 5:35am and then headed to Bally's to catch the monorail directly. When we got there, it turns out the monorail doesn't start running till 7am. Fuck! So we stagger back towards our hotel and our energy is on empty. The sun came up at this point. We stop at a Walgreens and I bought the most refreshing Peach Snapple ever, which I practically chugged.
We made it back to our room at 6:30am. We closed the drapes and passed out around 7am. Butch and Ivan had the beds, I had the floor. I had intended to flip for/ paper, rock, scissors for the beds but I just said what the hell. Big mistake. I probably woke up a half dozen times, both sweating and shivering. At about noon, I jumped in the bed with Ivan (in a totally heterosexual way) and passed out.
That was the end of day 1 in Vegas. More to come, folks. Check out the photos at: http://photobucket.com/albums/a30/psychodan13/
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