Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Damn you, softball gods!!!

Hey kiddies!  Guess what, this blog's not about Vegas.  I know, I'm sad too. 
Anyway, I played the actual final game of my softball season last night.  Apparently, while I was in Vegas my team didn't play the last game because the scorekeeper didn't show up.  So we got to make up the game last night. 
We were playing the only team that we've beaten and they suck pretty bad.  I mean come on, we beat 'em.  Last time we played them, they didn't have a enough players so they grabbed people off the street.  I had a feeling that this time, being as it was the last game, they were gonna bring in a ringer.
I couldn't have been more right.
We get in our dugout and look over and sure enough they've got one.  Not just any ringer though.  The best hitter in the whole fucking league!  We had our own problems with getting players but we never used guys from other teams.  So we were not feeling good about our chances. 
And we shouldn't have.
We got the living shit kicked out of us.  The score ended up being some huge number to 4.  I was pissed to say the least.  The other team batted around twice in the 1st inning!  To end the inning, I picked up a grounder at first, tagged the base, tossed the ball to the mound, got into the dugout, threw my glove, and even yelled at my teammates.  I'm not sure why I yelled at them.  It wasn't their fault.  So I apologize.
This game was bullshit from the start and we should've made them forfeit.  Again, I'm not the manager therefore I am powerless. 
In the end, I'm glad to just be playing a facsimile of the sport that I love.  And it's not like I've never lost before.  I just don't want to get beat unjustly.  Add to that, the loss make us the worst team in the league.  We didn't deserve that.  Second to worst, Kings of the Scrubs!
As for myself, I went 1 for 2 with an RBI.  I was pissed so I swung harder than I ever have but for some reason I just popped the ball up.  The second one dropped.  It brought my average up .005 to .428 and my on-base-percentage up .001 to .483 and my RBI total to 4.
I'd like to tie this blog up with a lesson or inspirational message but I got nothing.  So I defer to the autograph that Tom Hanks gives a kid in A League of Their Own, "Avoid the Clap, Jimmy Dugan." 

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