GUYS: Turned ON or OFF when a girl:
dresses like a slut: mostly OFF
dresses like a grandma: like my grandma? OFF
dresses like a prep: ON maybe
dresses in all black: Depends on what she's wearing
doesn't care what she wears: ON
sings: ON!
plays a musical instrument: ON!
is skinnier than you: God yes, ON!
is bigger than you: that'd be a little much to handle, OFF
is taller than you: Maybe
has straight teeth: ON
wears braces: usually OFF
has chapped lips: OFF, that's not to say they must shine
has green eyes: Depends
has blue eyes: Depends
has brown eyes: ON
has long hair: ON
short hair: rarely ON
drinks alcohol: Depends on how much
smokes cigarettes: OFF!
smokes pot: OFF!
wears glasses: ON
has blonde hair: usually OFF
has brown hair: ON
has black hair: ON
has Red Hair: Interesting... maybe ON
has a tan: ON
works out: if she at least tries or cares ON
smiles more than not: ON
calls you just to say hey: ON
smacks your butt: ON
compliments you: ON
shaves her legs: ON
wears jewelry: Depends on how much
has bigger feet than you: Would be difficult to imagine, my feet are very big, so OFF
has smaller feet than you: ON
wears perfume: ON, not too too much though
smiles when you walk into the room: ON
wants to be a mom: ON, not too soon though!
Has a nice stomach: ON
Belly piercing: usually OFF
Virgin: it helps-ON, Celibate though-OFF, it's 2005!
Loyal: ON!
Laid back: ON
Doesn't party a lot: ON!
laughs a lot: ON
is Ticklish : ON
doesn't care about what people think about her: ON
believes in love at first sight/fate: OFF
gaged ears: OFF!
talkative: ON
rich: It helps but not necessary
has a booty: ON!
has nice boobs: ON!
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