Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Damn you, softball gods!!!

Hey kiddies!  Guess what, this blog's not about Vegas.  I know, I'm sad too. 
Anyway, I played the actual final game of my softball season last night.  Apparently, while I was in Vegas my team didn't play the last game because the scorekeeper didn't show up.  So we got to make up the game last night. 
We were playing the only team that we've beaten and they suck pretty bad.  I mean come on, we beat 'em.  Last time we played them, they didn't have a enough players so they grabbed people off the street.  I had a feeling that this time, being as it was the last game, they were gonna bring in a ringer.
I couldn't have been more right.
We get in our dugout and look over and sure enough they've got one.  Not just any ringer though.  The best hitter in the whole fucking league!  We had our own problems with getting players but we never used guys from other teams.  So we were not feeling good about our chances. 
And we shouldn't have.
We got the living shit kicked out of us.  The score ended up being some huge number to 4.  I was pissed to say the least.  The other team batted around twice in the 1st inning!  To end the inning, I picked up a grounder at first, tagged the base, tossed the ball to the mound, got into the dugout, threw my glove, and even yelled at my teammates.  I'm not sure why I yelled at them.  It wasn't their fault.  So I apologize.
This game was bullshit from the start and we should've made them forfeit.  Again, I'm not the manager therefore I am powerless. 
In the end, I'm glad to just be playing a facsimile of the sport that I love.  And it's not like I've never lost before.  I just don't want to get beat unjustly.  Add to that, the loss make us the worst team in the league.  We didn't deserve that.  Second to worst, Kings of the Scrubs!
As for myself, I went 1 for 2 with an RBI.  I was pissed so I swung harder than I ever have but for some reason I just popped the ball up.  The second one dropped.  It brought my average up .005 to .428 and my on-base-percentage up .001 to .483 and my RBI total to 4.
I'd like to tie this blog up with a lesson or inspirational message but I got nothing.  So I defer to the autograph that Tom Hanks gives a kid in A League of Their Own, "Avoid the Clap, Jimmy Dugan." 

Friday, August 26, 2005

Viva la puebla de sin! Part Quatro

The stunning conclusion:
I woke up Monday morning at 8:30am, the buttcrack of early if you ask me.  Check-out was at 11am, so I hopped in the shower.  I must be honest and say that I didn't want to wash the smells from the previous day off of me.  I ate a Krispy Kreme (or 2) and packed up my shiot.
Butch and Ivan did their thing and every now and again we would all look at one another and laugh about the previous night without a word necessary.  Our flight didn't leave till 8:30pm, so we checked our bags at the MGM bell desk.
We walked out the lobby of the hotel to the hottest day of the trip, 105 degrees and no breeze.  We marched over (not literally) to the internet cafe in the food court nearby so Ivan could type up some stuff that he needed to.  Butch and I sat by and glared at each other as if to say, "You dirty bastard.  I am appalled!" 
When I thought this, I was right.  When Butch thought this, he was mistaken.  I still consider my actions on Sunday night to be innocent and I will not be lumped in as some dirty accomplice.  I am a good boy and remain so.  That's not to say that Butch or Ivan did anything wrong.  Well, maybe Ivan.  Either way the memories will last and luckily there are no photographs.
When Ivan finished his work, I got hungry.  Weinerschnitzel graciously provided me with a further nutritious breakfast of a hot dog in a pretzel bun and a Sprite.  Hooray Nutrition!  After that we walked from air conditioned area to air conditioned area and souvenir shopped. 
I got my sister a shot glass that says, "Instant Jackass, Just add alcohol."  She wanted a shot glass.  I bought myself a $100 poker-chip key chain (for $2.95) to commemorate my losses at the poker table.  I was thinking of picking up some aviator shades for work but I really started to think that they wouldn't be funny without the accompanying handle-bar mustache.
We walked around to a bunch of places and pretty much saw the same trinkets at all the shops.  We did however, through our purchases, acquire some change, so we stopped at the Boardwalk Casino to play some slots.  I played some video poker and got some good hands but they only paid chump change at best. 
When that ran out, I walked over to their souvenir shop.  Nothing but junk.  On my way out, I passed by an old lady with a walker and got a whiff of what became a dream stifling image.  The old bag shit her pants!  Put a bullet in me if I ever get that way, please.
This brings me to a mini rant.  The elderly should NOT be allowed in Vegas.  Turn them away at the door.  If they want to gamble, they can go to tribal casinos wherever they live.  Don't stink up my good time and don't slow down my buffet line.  There, I'm done.  Don't even get me started on children in Vegas...
So we leave the Boardwalk and make our way through the Gay Magician hotel (the Monte Carlo, Lance Burton is such a flamer), New York New York, Excaliboring, and finally to the Luxor.  Thankfully, there were many moving sidewalks and I didn't have to walk the whole way.  We ate lunch and started to make our way back to the MGM as it was about 6pm.  On the moving sidewalk between the Luxor and Excalibur, they had TVs that showed the attractions at the Luxor.  I was standing sideways and leaning on the handrail, when I saw the add for the Luxor's club, Ra.  I was watching the clip and, sure enough, we hit the end of the sidewalk. 
I damn near ate shit.  That's a colloquial term for: I almost fell and broke my ass.  Butch just laughed and Ivan didn't even notice.  I blamed Butch for no reason other than I'm bigger than him.
Anyway, we got back to the MGM and got our bags and caught a cab to the airport.  When we got to the airport, the lazy-ass cab driver didn't even help us with our bags.  We shouldn't have tipped.  We got our tickets and went through security.  Everyone has to take their shoes off now and that bugs me because I hate taking my shoes off because I actually bother to tie them.  This makes putting them back on quickly damn near impossible.  It's a minor gripe but it's mine (and not yours).
When we got to our terminal, I looked around in Lids (a hat store oddly enough) and found a Cardinals hat that I didn't have.  I bought it (thanx to Butch for his discount card).  This left me with some quarters.  So I went over to the quarter slots (yes, in the airport) but of course the fuckers don't take change.  Quarter slots that don't take quarters.  What are we communists?!
Anyhow, we wait by our gate for the plane and this really pretty girl sits down behind us.  I look over a bunch of times and then I see her making googly faces to a baby sitting across from her.  I decide immediately that a girl with this level of fascination with children isn't what I need in my life currently.  That and I was too tired to turn my head around any more times.
We get on our plane and there's only about 20 of us, on a plane that seats over 100.  And of course, the people with the crying baby sit right in front of us.  While the stewardesses were pre-occupied with making their googly faces, the 3 of us moved the fuck away from that kid. 
Long story short- plane took off, landed, and here I am back in sunny San Diego.  I'm definitely glad I went to Vegas and I'm definitely going back.  How soon?  I'm not sure.  When I can afford it again, I guess. 
I only got one question now: Who's coming with me???
Oh yeah.
Check out all the photos at: http://photobucket.com/albums/a30/psychodan13/

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Viva la puebla de sin! Part Tres

Whoa-ho, kiddies!  So day 3 of my trip started a little earlier than the previous.  I woke up at 1pm.  Butch had woken up about a half hour earlier and Ivan was nowhere to be found.  I joked to Butch that Ivan had probably become a compulsive gambler overnight and he was probably at the poker table.
So Butch and I mozied on over to Denny's for a 3pm breakfast.  The service was ssssssssslllllllllllllooooooooooowwwwww and it wasn't even busy.  I had the mini burgers.  It really hit the spot and was the cutest meal on the menu!  While we waited for the food, Butch text messaged Ivan.  Sure enough, he was at the poker table.  I should change my name to The Great Aarinni!
After our meal, we decided to head over to the MGM pool.  Butch wanted to swim, I wanted to avoid sun exposure at all costs (see blog, "I hope you like your Aaron extra crispy").  When we get to the pool, we realize what we've been missing out on.  They've got tons of bars, a DJ, a pool devoted to volleyball, anda lazy river.  We found a shady spot and Butch got in the water and floated around the lazy river.  I watched people as they passed, dodged sunny rays, and laid back on a chair and put out "the vibe".  "The vibe" being: I'm a studly guy who's afraid of the sun.  Don't worry, kids, it wasn't all bad.  I did take my shoes and socks off.
Butch ended up stealing an inner tube from some child, or at least that's how I choose to think it went down.  When he was done, I called up Ivan who had lost his $60. 
We met him back at the room and Butch showered.  We planned our next move.  Ivan wanted to play more poker (hooked) and Butch and I would just go and watch.  So as Ivan played poker, Butch and I chanted, "Terible!  Terible!"  Ivan the Terrible, get it?  Anywhoo, when we weren't doing that Butch and I were inviting various passing girls to Tabu later.  By inviting, I mean, we would see a girl and tell each other whether we would invite her or not.  Guys do it all the time cause it's fun. 
Hey, you're invited!
Eventually, I got hungry so we told Ivan to cash out.  He had lost another $68 which means someone lost more than me!  YEAH!  We walked over to Mr. Hotdog and I had an excellent polish sausage.  Butch and Ivan ate Quizno's.  I commented to Ivan that I make it a general rule to not eat sandwiches that had bread that was darker than its innards.  He's a veggie-monger and he had his sandwich on whole grain bread.  When we got back to the room, Ivan realized the error in his bread-choice and was throne-stricken.
Butch and I got dressed up (I really just wore the same thing from Friday night) and headed down to Tabu to meet these "girls" Butch met the night before.  Apparently, they were hot.  One was named Jen (with 1 "N" which is excellent) and she was from P.B.  So we stood outside Tabu and waited.  While we were waiting, a dude with a beard walked by.  I looked up and it was none other thanTom Jones!  I didn't get a chance to stop him for a picture and who knows if he would've even stopped. 
We ended up waiting for the girls for an hour.  We went inside and looked for them but no sign, so Plan B: Strip Club!  Ivan met us down in the lobby and we asked the doorman if we should leave our cameras.  He said yes so Butch brought them back to the room.  While he was gone, we asked the doorman if he knew of any good strip clubs,  He said, "Club Paradise."  Seeing as we had no idea, we said we'd go there.  As Butch was walking back, the doorman asked if we wanted to take a limo.  I was like, "Huh?"  He told us he would get us taxicab price on it for $20.  That pretty much sealed it.
So the doorman called over the limo coordinator and he put us in a champagne colored limo.  Dammit, we don't have our cameras!  I hear the guy tell the driver (a woman) that we wanted to go to a Gentleman's club (cause it's classier than titty-bar) and he tells her to take us to Sapphire.   Okay, Sapphire it is.  We're all smiling ear to ear as the driver takes off and she says nothing till we're halfway there.  Then she asks us where we're from and blah blah blah, she's taking us to the World's Largest Gentleman's Club.  The WORLD chico, the world.  I know what you're thinking, bigger than the one in Katmandu, Nepal?  Apparently so.
We get there and sure enough, it's huge.  I give the driver the money and she looks puzzled and disappointed.  I tell her the guy quoted us $20 and walked away and she still looked stunned.  I tipped her and quite frankly she should be happy!  We walk in and pay the $30 cover and get seated in the 1st row from the stage.
We sit and watch knowing we ain't got a whole lot to spend.  After a while, I go to the bathroom (keep your heads out of the gutter, dirty monkeys) and when I get back our seating arrangements have changed.  Instead of sitting in the crowd, I'm on the aisle.  I sit down and BAM, Butch sends a stripper over.  This is to be my first lapdance ever.  I'm laughing inside because of all the girls Butch (a black man) buys me (a gringo) a black stripper.  Her name was Jay and she looked like she was straight out of a rap video.  Not a good rap video but I wasn't paying. 
So she starts to workin' and I sit there with my hands grasping the armrests firmly.  Every now and again she says something to me but I just nod and make the goofy, stoned-looking, face that all my special little ladies have to look forward to.  She tells me that when she looks over at my friends, they're both smiling ear to ear.  Also, she is constantly rubs my face between her boobs (which weren't good) and it appears she wants to break my nose.  Butch meanwhile has a white girl on his lap and I hear her say, "[about the song that's playing, Green Day's "American Idiot"] This is a racist song!"  If I didn't have a stripper in my lap I might have laughed at that stupidity.  Since when is American a race, baby?  Anyway after 2 songs are over, Jay's finished with me and I somehow owe her $20.  Nobody told me it was $20 a song and at some point she asked me and I nodded and now I'm out an Andrew Jackson.  I think I was tricked but whatever.
So she leaves and I order a water cause all of a sudden I'm thirsty.  It comes and I notice there's another girl at the table.  And BAM, Butch points at me and here she comes.  She tells me to scoot down in my seat and we're off!  She starts with a knee in the crotch rub which I never thought would be enjoyable, but hey, what do I know?  This girl's a pro and she's got the total package (nice boobs-probably C's, tight stomach, and a nice ass).  Yet again, my hands are holding the armrests for dear life.  This girl is gentle yet aggressive, naughty yet nice, and hot yet not trashy.  Did I mention this club served alcohol?  So it wasn't fully nude.
When she finishes with me, she moves on to Ivan who has been with his girlfriend for 2 and half years and is practically married.  I fully expected him to be completely uncomfortable with the whole idea.  I sip my water and look over and Ivan's got his hands all over the girl!  I'm like, "Whoa! & Hey, I didn't get that!"  He's handy to say the least and then:
He pinches her nipples!
He had clearly crossed the line and she let him know.  She didn't seem angry and I'm sure it happens fairly often.  This all really surprised me.  Butch got his dance and was touchy but not as much.  Ivan sat and tried to catch his breath.  Then the girl sat and talked with us while Ivan's credit card processed because (you guessed it) he bought another round.  Her stripper name was Keely and her real name was Kelly.  I found the similarity confusing.  She sat there for a good half-hour and talked with us about music and other dancers.
Then the next round started.  Who goes first?  ME, of course!  So she's back.  I'm more comfortable this time but still keeping my hands to myself.  She takes off her little lingerie shorts and somehow(???) they end up on my head.  Anyway, it's just as good as the last one and she moves on.  Ivan is slightly more tame and Butch gets booty-slap happy.  Then she looks at me and all of a sudden it's my turn to buy a round.  I say sorry because I know I've only got $60 left and we gotta eat on Monday.  She kisses Butch and Ivan on the cheek and I just get a sensual hand rub(on my hand, dirty monkeys) and she leaves.  I don't know what that means and I don't really care.
We sit and bask and Ivan gets up and walks away.  A few minutes later, Butch heads to the bathroom.  He comes back and Ivan's nowhere to be found.  I go to the bathroom and I don't see him.  I come back and he's still not there.  Minutes pass and he finally turns up.  He got another dance from Kelly!  Dude with a girlfriend, folks.  We decide we better leave before we move-in.  We get a Cab back to the MGM and stop at Walgreen's for Krispy Kreme's for Monday's breakfast.  Checkout is 11am, it's 3:30am when we get to sleep.  You do the math. 
A little more to come, kiddies.
Check out the photos at: http://photobucket.com/albums/a30/psychodan13/

Viva la puebla de sin! Part Dos

Well now, kiddies, day 2 of my trip started off with breakfast at 5pm.  That's right, let that soak in.  After that long 1st night, you can understand.  My breakfast: 2 corn dogs, fries, and a coke!  Thanks Weinerschnitzel.
Immediately thereafter, Butch and Ivan proclaimed that their goal was to get drunk.  We went next door and Butch got a half-yard margarita and Ivan got some mexican beer.  Outside the Cantina, they had an Elvis impersonator doing advertising.  He had really awful teeth and didn't sing very well.  We did get him to sing "Can't Help Falling in Love", so good-times.
After that we hopped on the monorail.  We passed by the Las Vegas Convention Center which was GI-normous.  It puts ours to shame in size but, without me working there, clearly not in service.  We ended up staying on the monorail all the way to the end, around the Stratosphere, but we had no desire to go there.  So we stayed on and rode back the Caesars Palace stop.  We entered Caesars to look for a poker room but ended up at the bar.  It was a Pizza Bar.  You'd think they know me!  They had no poker room at Caesars though, so we left. 
We walked across to Bally's where they had both a poker room and monorail station.  We took the monorail back to our hotel.  We played some slots which, of course, was pointless.  You couldn't even pull the handles!  How lame.  After that we went back to the room to re-group.
Then we went down to the Cafe in our hotel.  Butch and I shared a pizza and Ivan had his first, and probably last, bloody mary.  After our meal, Butch went off to Studio 54 again and me and Ivan went to try our hands at poker.
I got into a game quickly which was a surprise.  I sat down at the 1-2 No-Limit table with $50 worth of chips.  Most people bought-in for $200, which was the max, and I could tell that I was gonna be short stacked.  On the second hand, I folded what would have been trip 6s or fish-hooks as they are known.  I managed to win a few hands within the first hour and a half and even busted some guy.  I also picked up on some things.  You gotta (well, don't gotta) tip the dealer after you win a hand.  I guess to say thanks for the cards.  He didn't even shuffle them though, a computer inside the table did.  Oh well, I tipped anyway. 
Once my nerves died down, I started to feel comfortable.  I was sitting next to Mr. Sarcastic and I swear he was dryer than Chevy Chase after you'd killed his mother.  He was cool though.  I got the sense people were trying to read me but what they didn't know is I don't know what I'm doing. 
Then came a hand that proved it. 
I had top pair after the flop, so I raised a good chunk of my money, which was up to about $120 at this point.  1 dude called and the turn was a small card.  So I raised $50 bucks to scare the dude out.  He thought about it and called.  The river came with no pairs on the board, no flush draw, no straight draw, and the dude hadn't bet like he had pocket pair.  We either checked or bet very small and out came the cards.  Me with my top pair and the bastard had two pair, like 7s and 4s or something.  I lose $90 and all respect I had for myself.
I had about $30 and went all-in on the next good hand I got which was a long time away.  I got busted and had to make a decision.  Buy-in again for $50 and possibly lose all I had agreed to gamble or go away.  I looked over and Ivan was still playing.  It was only 1am, so I said, "Fuck it," and bought-in again for $50.  I had some okay hands but mostly did a lot of folding.  I went all-in a couple times that paid off but not for large money. 
There was one hand where I got pocket 5s and a 5 came on the flop.  I looked up after I raised and I saw a dude staring right at me.  I did the first thing that came to my mind and smiled real big and lifted my eyebrows.  This guy was trying to read me but I was giving him "crazy".  He called and so did the dude that I busted ealier.  The turn was inconsequential so I raised again.  The dude folded.  The dude I busted called to see the river.  It came.  Nothing could beat me.  The dude I busted ask me if I had the 5s and I just smiled and said, "I might... or maybe I'm just crazy!"  He thought about it and then folded showing he had the last 5.  They wanted me to show my hand but I didn't, I was too busy picking up my chips.
I made a bad play with a pair of 4s (sailboats) later and got knocked down pretty bad.  I later went all-in with Queen-9 suited after the flop came Ace, King, 6.  I had 2 chances to hit the 10 or it was over.
Turn: 3
River: 2
The dude I busted, who was loud, obnoxious, and drunk, busted me.  $100, muah and good-bye. 
Afterwards, I met up with Ivan who cashed out even with $60.  We went back up to the room and Butch came in soon after.  Apparently, Butch had been dancing with some girls at Studio 54.  He gave them VIP passes to Tabu (the ultra-lounge in the MGM Grand) for Sunday night and brought back enough for us as well.  Plans for Sunday: Made.
Also, apparently while Butch was dancing with these girls, he got hit on, and a drink, from a guy.  I just laughed.  Then it was sleepy-time at about 3:30am and I got my own bed.  More to come, kids!
Check out my pics at: http://photobucket.com/albums/a30/psychodan13/

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Viva la puebla de sin! Part Uno

Hey there, kiddies!  I am home from my vacation and I'm going to tell you all about it.  Here goes:
We (Butch, Ivan, and I) arrived in Las Vegas at about 5 pm Friday afternoon.  We caught a cab to the MGM and the driver made a comment about my exceedingly large suitcase (ladies, read into that whatever you like).  For that and his shitty "shortcut" I should've tipped less but nobody was spoiling my fun.  So we checked into the hotel and went up to our room, 19-127.  As we walked from the elevator to our room there was a large black and white picture of Frank Sinatra on the wall and I thought that was fitting considering the fun I imagined I was going to have.  From then on I gave Frank "the gun" everytime I passed him.
Our room was pretty nice.  It had 2 queen-size beds (2 beds, 3 dudes, somehow it doesn't add up), a great view of New York New York, and marble floors in the bathroom.  The shower had this odd handlebar on the wall and that sent my imagination off into dirty (or clean) shower sex land.  We stayed in the room for a bit to regroup from the flight (all of an hour long).  We decided to go eat dinner so we went downstairs to hit the buffet.  That is, of course, until we saw the price.  $26.99!  No food is that good, sir, I will pass.  We continued to walk around the hotel and found the poker "room".  I say "room" because I define a room as having at least 3 walls and a door and the poker "room" had none. 
We ended up eating across the street at the ESPN Zone.  The regular restaurant was full so we went upstairs to the bar/arcade and were greeted warmly by girls in short skirts writhing on the horse race game.  Sweet deal.  While we ate, we watched some tubby guy get knocked out by some dude who waxed his eyebrows on Friday Night Fights.  My burger was pretty awesome, until it made contact with my colon.  We went back to our room to regroup.
After paying homage to the porcelain god, we changed into our fancy clothes and headed over to Studio 54, a club in our hotel.  It was a pretty awesome club and that is high praise coming from me as clubs aren't really my scene (though the scenery is great).  We even got in free!  When we got in, there was this old guy breakin' it down like a champ!  God love the elderly.  Myself and Ivan pretty much hung out on the second floor while Butch danced as per usual.  The club had some hot go-go dancers and people were constantly dropping from the ceiling on swings and such.  The music was pretty good too.  They started off with 70's and then all of a sudden they played Guns & Roses' "Sweet Child O' Mine" mixed with a hip-hop beat.  It made me want to dance.  How crazy is that shit?
At around 12:30am, Ivan and I got bored and left the club.  We figured out how the poker "room" worked and then went out and walked the Strip.  Ivan collected stripper cards and I got a soda at 7-11 (as opposed to 9/11).  We reached the Bellagio by 2am and stopped to watch the fountain show.  After an hour of waiting, we realized that it probably stopped at midnight.  So we went back to the room.
Butch stumbled into the room at 3am.  None of us were tired so we changed out of our nice clothes and walked the Strip.  We ended up at the Wynn (not that great, the second "N" makes it evil) around 5am.  That's about a 3 mile walk from the MGM and we were dying.  We knew we'd never make the walk back and we saw that the Wynn had a shuttle to the monorail that goes to our hotel.  We went to where it picks up but the shuttle didn't start till 6am.  We waited till about 5:35am and then headed to Bally's to catch the monorail directly.  When we got there, it turns out the monorail doesn't start running till 7am.  Fuck!  So we stagger back towards our hotel and our energy is on empty.  The sun came up at this point.  We stop at a Walgreens and I bought the most refreshing Peach Snapple ever, which I practically chugged.
We made it back to our room at 6:30am.  We closed the drapes and passed out around 7am.  Butch and Ivan had the beds, I had the floor.  I had intended to flip for/ paper, rock, scissors for the beds but I just said what the hell.  Big mistake.  I probably woke up a half dozen times, both sweating and shivering.  At about noon, I jumped in the bed with Ivan (in a totally heterosexual way) and passed out. 
That was the end of day 1 in Vegas.  More to come, folks.  Check out the photos at: http://photobucket.com/albums/a30/psychodan13/

Friday, August 19, 2005

Pass me 'dem dice!

Hey, kiddies, I just wanted to let those of you that don't know, I'll be gone for "a few days". 
If you're jonesin' for a new blog, sorry.
If you're itchin' for some good readin', I can't help you.
If you're dying for me to IM you, it's not gonna happen.
I'm sorry, babies, I'll be away.  But don't you worry.  I'll be in good hands.  Hopefully two of 'em! 
Seriously folks, I'm going to the land of song synchronized fountains, jingly-jangly geriatric sitting posts, drive-thru marriages, and no last call.  That's right kids, Las Vegas.  I'll be good, I promise.  Be good in my absence.  I'll have plenty of pictures to share with you via my photobook.  Take care and I'll see you Tuesday.  Oh yeah.

Monday, August 15, 2005

End of my season

Yep, kiddies, my softball season officially ended tonight.  We played fairly well but we lost.  Even though it was my last game there was no fanfare, no postgame celebration.  It was kind of sad. 
Anyway, here are my season totals:
.423 batting average-which is okay but could be higher
.482 on-base percentage-only cause I got 3 walks
3 RBI(runs batted in)-I blew some big opportunities to drive in runs but there weren't that many cause we suck.
1 2B(double)-I stole this one with my speed.  Yeehaw.
11 R(runs scored)-This is pretty damned good considering I only played 9 games and I was hitting in the middle to the end of the line-up.
3 K(strikeouts)-Hitting a slowly pitched softball is harder than it looks.  Sometimes it just comes down to your head and that's why all 3 of these are here.
The season still has one game left but I won't be playing because I'll be in another state next Monday. 
"What state," you ask. 
"What city?" 
Las Vegas.
This isn't the end of my softball career.  I'm not sure what days I'll have available to play till I get my school schedule set, which may not be till after it starts.  All and all this wasn't a bad season for me personally.  I didn't do as well as I'd hoped at the plate or in the outfield.  It's been a while since I've played in a Men's Only league so I'll chalk it up to rust.  I impressed at first-base though (well, I am a good kisser, ahh jokes).  Until next season, kiddies.