Name:: Aaron
Age:: 24
Height:: 5'11", I might be 6' if other people are right about their height.
Eye Color:: Green
Hair Color:: Dirty Blonde, mostly dirty.
Shoe Size:: 12
Ring Size:: Sausage Link
Hometown:: San Diego is my home
Birth Place:: Chicago, Illinois. ILLNOISE, aha I get it!
Nickname(s):: Aaroon, PolarBear, Great White, Captain America
# of Siblings:: 1- Chrissy
Parents still together:: Nearly 35 years
# of Pets:: 2 dogs
Names of Pets:: Mishu (15), Roxie (1 and half)
Do you eat w/ your elbows on the table:: Only when I eat pizza. Gotta get leeeeeeeeverage.
Can you swallow pills:: Many. My greatest achievement.
Do you like cheese:: It is me and I am it.
Do you ever eat so much you want to puke:: Not puke. Shit maybe.
Would you ever shave your dog:: With clippers or a straight razor?
Do you like beans:: God no.
Would you date Donald Trump:: Not for all his money, the sleazebag.
Would you marry Regis Philbin:: Would I?! No.
How many bags of groceries can you carry:: At least 20 million easy.
Can you play UNO:: Probably. Probably not well.
Can you say the months backwards:: Just did it.
How long can you hold your breath:: Not long
Can you swim under water w/o pluggin your nose:: I just can't jump in without plugging.
Do you like ants:: Nah. Ants pretty much lick balls.
Dog:: Corgi's are really badass
Cat:: Tiger
Color:: Dark Green
Movie:: I have a list, you read it!
Book:: Goodbye to Good Ol' Charlie by P.J. Petersen
Magazine:: MAD
Holiday:: Halloween and Christmas
TV Show:: Scrubs, 24, The Daily Show, Lost, The Colbert Report, The Sarah Silverman Program (BEST NEW SHOW, EVER)
Brand of Shoe: Vans
Brand of Pants:: All pants are lame now. I'll fade my own jeans thank you!
Store:: Best Buy
Channel:: ESPN, Comedy Central
Food:: American
Drink: So-duh
Way of Transportation:: Flying. Me flying. It'd be awesome.
Word:: Bourgeois, facetious
Number:: 13
Sport: Baseball
Game:: TOASTIE!!!
Letter:: A
Smell:: I don't know
Purfume/Cologne:: Cool Water: It's what's for dinner.
Brand of Make-up:: None, for me.
Shampoo: Pert Plus. 2 in 1, motherfuckers!
Soap:: Dial for Men. Manly manly men...
Body Wash:: None.
Time of the day:: "The night time is the right time..."
Day of the week:: Friday or Saturday
Thing to do on the weekend:: Kick it.
Person to hang out w/:: The world!
Actor:: Tom Cruise. Eat it, motherfuckers!
Actress:: Audrey Tautou
Singer:: Bob Marley
Group:: Jimmy Eat World
Place to be:: Home
Person to talk to:: Me!
Person to talk about:: Bradski
Late Night Talk Show:: Conan
Talk Show:: None
Season:: Fall
Car:: Pathfinder
Truck:: None
State:: California
City:: San Diego
Country:: USA! USA! USA!
Road:: Less traveled
Resturant:: La Bella
Bar:: None (heh, I just got this)
Club:: None
Kind of Bed:: Huge!
Pillow:: Huge!
Stuffed Animal:: A.L.F.
Blanket:: My old-timer
Piece of Clothing:: Pujols jersey
Thing to shop for:: DVDs
Quote:: Go suck a bag-a-dicks! -Louis C.K.
Website:: MySpace
Person to IM:: Butch
Myspace Page to Look at:: I don't know
Who do u want to Marry:: "The greatest love of all..."
How many kids:: 2 or 3 or 9
How many pets:: 1 at a time
What kind of Pets:: Dog
Where will you live:: A shantytown
What kind of house:: A shack at last count
What kind of car/truck:: Hybrid ass-kicker
What will most of your money be spent on:: DVDs
Any habits you will get rid of:: Being less cynical when nobody asked me. Sorry, Jamie.
Any habits you will pick up:: A better work ethic
Any memberships:: PayPal..?
What kind of vacations:: Long and relaxing
Where will your honeymoon be:: Away from the shack, duh.
Where will you buy groceries:: Not Walmart, no matter what.
Red:: Dead
Santa:: Claws. Muhahahahahahhahaha...
Rainbows:: So Gay
Diamonds:: Promote slavery
Parties:: YAY!
Alcohol:: Tastes bad
Music:: Rocks
Dogs:: Poop
Cats:: Die
Fish:: Raw
Meat:: YES!
Noodles:: Noodlie
Cheese:: On everything
Skanks:: Dated my share
Preppy boys:: Kill
Blondes:: Eh
Brunettes:: Love 'em
Outdoors:: Sun? No!
Winter:: Less nice
Summer:: Too nice
Fall:: Nice enough
Spring:: Okay
Pants:: Not if I can help it
Shoes:: Vans
Socks:: Never without
Flip Flops:: Lame
Books:: Enjoyable
Internet:: Evil, in the good way.
Myspace:: Spammers
Ice:: Cube
Beer:: Cube
Sundays:: Football
Weekends:: Chill
Shorts:: Life
Shaving:: Hurts
Long hair:: Great on chicks
Short hair:: Yogaflame!
Red Hair:: Very few pull it off
Long sleeves:: Mostly unnecessary
Turtle Necks:: Wholly unnecessary
Fire:: Bon-
Police:: Bonfire killers
Jail:: Buzzkill
Stealing:: Hearts, takin' names
Running:: Tiring
Pills:: Republicans
Drugs: "Only skeevy-stoners fart."
Smoking:: Pole
Sleeping:: Forever
Energy Drinks:: Lame
Sand:: Not crack compatible
Water:: Wet
Skateboards:: Never again
Roller Skates:: Can't go backwards
Punctuation:: Where's it go?
Spelling:: Slipping Away
Quizzes:: Entertainment. On MySpace anyway.
Tests:: No mas.
Doctors Offices:: Annoying
Dentists:: Mostly awful. Yes, I'm an anti-dentite.
Lying:: Sometimes necessary
Crying: Rarely necessary
Cheating:: Wholly awful. More like whorely awful.
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