Hey, kids! Here's an update on shiznit:
"In-som-no-mia, Que Som-no-mia!!!": Yeah, the insomnia's still kicking around a bit. It's better and yet not right all at once. See, now I can sleep at more normal hours (1, 2, 3am) but I can only sleep 4 hours at a time. So either way you slice it, I'm awake at the buttcrack of early and last time I checked, I'm not a rooster. Though... I do have a cock! I'm sorry. That couldn't be avoided. It's like bright lights to a moth, I have to do it.
Buncha Savages In This Town: So as if my view of humanity couldn't get any lower, my car got egged tonight. You remember egging? Yeah, it's that thing we used to do before we discovered YouTube, the clitoris, and the fact that only Uber-douches take pleasure in the misery of strangers. "Yeah I'm talkin' about you, Al-Qaeda!" So that pretty much blows. I heard my car alarm go off while I was MySpacing and that's pretty routine. We've got this guy on our block who drives this ridiculous-loud F-2Fuckyourself and he takes personal joy in setting off my alarm bi-daily. But tonight it was odd because I didn't hear any loud cars before it went off. So I went and shut it off and went back to the computer.
When I went out to head over to Gerry's, I looked on the ground at a white object near the front of my car and saw that it was an egg shell. Then I looked up and saw the better part of my driver's side door had yolk on it. None on the windows luckily. But since I had to get to Gerry's fast (24 was coming on), I couldn't take time to clean it off. I ran back inside the house and ended up driving my Mom's car.
When I got home from Gerry's, I did some detective work and figured out that the car that egged me was headed northbound and had at least 3 passengers (driver included). You see, the neighbor across the street got hit as well and the egg shells landed north of the yolk splatter on both our cars. I highly doubt that they would've hit my car from one-side of their car and then turned around to hit the neighbors car from the same side. There must have been 2 simultaneous strikes and then a getaway. They didn't hit any other cars on my street but it had to be random because I have no connection to those neighbors. I don't even know them. They're kinda new, and ghetto. Only similarity is both cars are SUVs but mid-sizes at that so that rules out Eco-Terrorists.
So who knows who did it. Next time it's blood though. Kill Bill style! I do have a katana if you recall. I just hope that the guys are all named Bill.
Fred Friendin': If you haven't already watched my filmie, Fred's Friend, shame on you. The reason I was heading to Gerry's when I discovered the projectile poultry fetuses on my car (besides to watch 24) was to rework the edit for it. I've had some little tweaks I've wanted to make on it since the SDSU Film Festival. I'm also tweaking (gettin' SOoo high) the sound design, possibly adding more music, and then entering it in the Comic-Con Indepedent Film Festival. The deadline is March 1 to postmark stuff so I'm hustling. Luckily, it only took Gerry and I 2 hours to make the changes to the cut. Tomorrow, I have to go down to SDSU to work on the sound stuff by myself. My laptop can't handle the workload otherwise I'd save my gas for the May graduation and nothing else SDSU-related.
So hopefully that will go well. I'm not that familiar with Soundtrack Pro software but it can't be super difficult. "It's film, right? A monkey could do this stuff!" Then I bring it all home and color-correct a few sequences and ship it off to the Con folks. If it gets in, it gets shown and then I (and any other crewmember) do a Q&A. I would also get up to 5 free Professional badges and a guest badge for each of those (that means 10 total, approx. $500 value), plus a possible award if it wins anything, or at least a certificate that says, "Howdy!" Wish me luck.
Anyhoo, I think that's pretty much it. Take care of your little bits, kids. High-Five! :-P Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!
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