Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Mr. Crappy Pants

Hey kids!  So I've been doing some soul searching (instead of blogging, I know, you've missed me) and I realized that I am too cynical.
See, I've been listening to the words that have come out of my mouth the past few weeks (you should try it sometime, it's fun) and much, if not all of it, comes out in a negative way.
There may be some of you, blogfans, reading this going, "No shit!" or "Doy!" and asking your monitor (because I'm not in front of you) if I even read my own blogs; because then it would be obvious to me [Aaron].
Believe me, kids, I read the shit out of my blogs.  I'm an anal editor (there's a movie title).  But the point is that I've always rationalized my cynicism by stating that life is about standards and when things don't meet them, I should point them out in order to cause positive change, and to preserve the things that do meet the standards.  There's nothing really wrong with that.
But the way I go about it may be wrong, I'm finding, and I fear the thought of becoming an alienator and/or a douche.  I don't want that, you don't want that.
Don't worry, I'm not going to become a republican or anything.  I just want to focus more on the positive things in life as opposed to ripping the negatives a new asshole when I see them.
I need to stop correcting people when they misspeak (unless it's funny), and I need to stop overthinking the minute details of every event of every day of my life (unless they're funny).
There's part of me that says, "Well, Aaron, you stud, this is who you are."
And there's another part of me that says, "Aaron, you stud, what do you have to be bitter and complain about?  Life is good (minus the reoccurrence of old stomach ailments)."
So I'm actually kind of torn now that I think about it.  What do YOU think?  Am I too negative?  Seriously, I want YOUR opinions, like some sort of radio call-in show.  Let me know, I'm not a mind reader.  In fact, I'm kind of an idiot.  :-P  Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

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