Sunday, June 18, 2006

The Bill Buckner of Love

Hey kids.  Events in my life have, yet again, taken a turn askew.  This has caused me to believe that I am the Bill Buckner of Love.
Some of you may not know who Bill Buckner is.  He was the first baseman for the Red Sox in the '86 World Series.  The Sox were 1 out away from winning the title, when a soft ground ball was hit to Buckner.  He put his glove down but the ball snuck through his legs.  The Mets won the game on that play and then went on to win the World Series.  Buckner's misplay has gone down as one of the worst in baseball history.
Now how does this relate to me?
I could just be a quack but I feel like in the game of love, I am Bill Buckner.  I'm a good guy, just as Buckner was a good player.  Things just don't work out sometimes.  And it haunts us.
I've done everything I can, I think.  I've gotten my glove dirty, and yet, the ball (or love, in this case) still gets by me.  No special reason.  No funny hop.  It just gets passed me.
Like Buckner in the Series, I know that the World Series isn't nearly over.  In his case, it was only Game 6.  They could've won the next game.  In my case, I'm only 23 and there's a lot of life left to live. 
But the fact remains that the ball was right in front of me, I did what I could, and now it's passed me by. 
I don't know when the next ball will come.  I sure there will be another. 
But right now is about recovering from this one.

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