Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I Wish Jim Rome was Burning

Hey, kids!  So here's some things I'm burning on today:
Rant 1: Barbaro.  He's a fucking racehorse last time I checked, right?  So why all the media attention over his broken leg?!  I could give a shit.  Shoot the motherfucker.  Why should he be so special?  He's rich white peoples' problem, not mine.  So stop reporting his condition on ESPN and the Local and National News.  It's not news.  I love animals.  I love 'em when their humble and quiet.  Barbaro is no longer either.
Rant 2: MySpace trackers.  Why?  I could leave it at that, but I won't.  I know, when this idea first came out, even I looked into it.  But then I thought to myself, "You know what?  I'm not that self-important an egomaniac."  So I didn't get one.  How self-important are you?
Rant 3: "OH FUCK.  HAHAHAHA!" bulletins.  Post one and go fuck yourself.
Rant 4: 10.5: Apocalypse.  Did any of you catch this turd of a TV movie?  My parents were glued to it like it was the SuperBowl of Roots.  The thing was preposterous.  I mean, they actually had the head of FEMA doing something!  At least, for my sake, he died immediately afterward.  And the constant in and out zooms.  What kind of half-assed 24 were they trying to pull?!  Nausea successful.  Movie dreadful.  Hey!  That rhymes, and that's clearly the best thing to come out of the whole mess.
Rant 5: "The Steroid Era."  I am getting so sick of hearing this term float around baseball.  It's ridiculous.  Sports "reporters" refer to rising power numbers over the past 20 years as steroid related.  As if every player who ever has a good year, or hell, a good career, and breaks some record they hold precious because some player they used to watch as a kid held that record, is immediately followed the by the misnomer of steroids.  Numbers are rising because players are bigger and stronger than your father's baseball players.  That much is true. 
But what these "reporters" fail to acknowledge is that all sports have changed over the last 20 years because of one simple fact: People lift weights.  Good god!  What do you mean?  Ken Griffey Jr., Alex Rodriguez, and Albert Pujols, all widely acknowledged as "clean" players have lifted more weights in their lifetimes than Willie Mays, Hank Aaron, and Babe Ruth combined.  On any given night, before and after games, you can be sure to find regular players, and pitchers, in the weight room!  
Kids are lifting in early high school!  You can thank Arnold Schwarzenegger for increasing the popularity of weight-lifting too.  So players are going to continue to be bigger, stronger, and faster than ever before because of this fitness trend which has touched so much of our culture, beyond sports, and they're going to break records.  Cleanly.
And I can't even begin to discuss why it is that kids are as big as they are now; I think it's something we're feeding the cows.  The cows are juiced
I mean, I'm taller than both of my parents.  Should that even be possible?!  Not that I'm complaining. :-P Pbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

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