Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The End of Me as I Know it

Hey kids!  So for a long time now, maybe a month or so (that's a long time to a... butterfly, which clearly I am), I have been dealing with a brutal addiction. 
No, not to MySpace.  Although, that could really be an entirely different can of worms and a separate therapy session altogether.
No, what I am talking about is a ravaging drug that has invaded all of our homes, secretly and deceptively, and it has plagued the minds of all who have partaken in it.
Of course, I'm referring to Solitaire(the silent killer).  I have developed a nasty playing habit.  It has cost me sleep, probably my eyesight, and most definitely, time with the fairer sex (ladies, that means you).  Solitaire is everwhere.  It's on my PC (staring at me), it's on my I-Book (calling to me), in actual card-form (smells like home-made cookies) and they even have it on cell phones (thankfully not mine). 
Little Known Fact: Solitaire is the leading cause of death amongst bored white males between the ages of 23 and 24.
You must help me!  Whatever you can do will help.  Call, write, email and make plans with me.  Get me out of this house.  But don't let me bring my laptop(damned portable enabler). 
It's going to be a long summer (which starts Wednesday for me), kids, and we must keep me occupied.  This is your mission, should you choose to accept it.  :-P Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

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