Hey, kids. I figured it's time for a health update. Well, I'm not as sick, I suppose. It's weird cause the fevery stuff is pretty much gone but the sore throat is still around and possibly more intense than before. It's cost me my voice twice now. I sound like somewhere between a 30 year smoker with dry-mouth and Marge Simpson, which I know is a pretty small range but I strive for accuracy. So that's all bad. Having to work 2 of the 4 days you've been sick also sucks. Not having any fun on either Friday or Saturday nights pretty much blows. Even when you stay home and do nothing normally, at least you're not stuck there.
A weird anecdote to this whole cold is that the morning I got sick I was awakened by this strange paragraph of a monologue that I've never heard. It was so odd I wrote it down immediately and here it is word-for-word:
"...This reminds me of a time when I was about 14 or 15 years old. I had just come home from a party, where I had lost my virginity to none other than Tatum O'Neal. I worked up the courage to tell my father, thinking he'd be upset. But he just smiled. And with tears welling up in his eyes he said, "What you just told me has made me very happy." He patted me on the head, gave me a dollar, and walked away.
And I haven't seen him since..."
I actually tried to tape-record this before resorting to pen and paper. Admittedly the tape recorder I keep beside my bed (for these such moments) is a little old. This is all it got:
"...This reminds me of a time-worked up the courage to tell my father-give me a dollar." It kinda rhymes...?
To say that this struck me as odd is as slight an understatement as saying that the H-Bomb produces a slight twinge upon detonation. I don't know what kind of crazy cold this must be but at least it produced something amusing. I hope you all feel the same. Or not. :-P Pbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!
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