1)Are you in a relationship or single?
I am single as a Pringle at the moment. I created that. You best not steal it.
2) Are you happy with where you are?
I've probably squandered a thing or two but if it all works out, then who's to say? But to not avoid the question, Sure, I guess. It could be SOoo much worse.
3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?
That's a hard question to answer. You see, I haven't met the right person, so I wouldn't know. Do I fall fast for the wrong person? Everytime.
4) Have you ever had your heart broken?
So many times I started counting when it isn't broken instead.
5) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
Not even if she had a kidney that I needed. And I wouldn't except that if she offered it to me.
6)Do you want children?
Yeah, eventually. If one can plan such things, I'd like it to be when I'm ready for it or I'm at least financially okay. Now would be a bad time.
7) How many?
Is eleventy-billion too many? Well, in that case, 2 or 3 would be fine. I'm also cool with adopting. The world's got a lot of kids that need good homes. How "Brangelina" of me, I know.
8) If somebody liked you right now, would you get with them?
It depends on what "get with them" means. That's not a phrase I'm familiar with. I always say that if somebody likes me, they can raise their hand or whistle. Something. You know, give a guy a signal.
9) Do you enjoy playing hard to get?
Maybe the problem is I play easy to get. I don't really know what hard to get is. The only remotely "hard to gettish" thing I experience is when I call a girl a few times and she doesn't return my calls. Then it's on her and I'm basically done with her anyway at that point.
10) Do you believe love at first sight exists?
You know, I'd like to. But how would you ever know it? You'd have to see somebody, feel that, they reciprocate, but you don't start anything. Because if you start talking, that simple act changes it and it becomes about personality anyway, right?
11) Are you romantic?
I'd like to think so. I'm also kind of an idiot but I like to do little things for my lady. I'm always thinking of things to do, places to go, and quite frankly, all these ideas are currently going to waste.
12) Do you believe that you can change someone?
I don't think so. Maybe little things. But when you're wrong for each other, you're wrong for each other and there's no fixing that or making that go away. But hang on as you might. I know how that feels.
13) If you could get married anywhere, where would you go?Just somewhere warm. I know that I don't have to go anywhere for that so that's cool. I just want to get married on a cliff overlooking the ocean with all my friends and family there. But no priest. I don't need religion in my life to justify or validate that kind of commitment.
14) Fuck buddies - good or bad?I suppose it would be better than nothing. But in the end, it really wouldn't work for me. I just think that feelingless, emotionless sex would get stale and I just don't have the kind of energy that could replace real passion for the other person.
15) Do you easily give in when you are arguing?
Never. When I'm wrong, I'll admit it and apologize. That's the best I can do for ya. I also promise to keep everything above the belt.
16) Do you have feelings for someone right now, whether they know or not?I have interest in a few different people but I don't know them well enough to make a move. You gotta know a person a little, more than a little. I've made that mistake before and I don't plan on repeating it.
17)Have you ever wished you could have had someone but you messed up?Not really. If I didn't start something with somebody, then that's just how it went down. Regret gets you nowhere. Have I made mistakes? Yes. Have I aimed for the "wrong target?" Of course. You live, you learn, and hopefully you don't get the clap.
18) Have you broken a heart?Never intentionally. If somebody felt a certain way and I didn't respond, that's my right. I just try real hard not to be a dick about such things. Hehe, I just wrote dick and hard in the same sentence. AHEM! Sorry.
19) What would happen if you came home and find another person in bed with your gf/bf?
I'd probably just say something filthy and awful and I'd walk away forever.
20) Would you ever fight somebody over your significant other?
Only over something serious. You just can't go around fighting all the time. Look what it's done to Russell Crowe...
21) What would you say to all your ex's?
"What's the temperature like in hell? Oh, really, cozy huh? Who knew..."
22) Do you feel some relationships are worth holding on to?
I'm a firm believer in, if you break up you're done. There is no getting back together, and apart, and back together again. You broke up for a reason. Let go and move on. It's what mature people do.
23) Who was the last person to kiss you?
There will be no free publicity here. Period. Ever. I know who and when, and that's the problem.
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