1. How'd you get your name? my mom is a huge Elvis fan (Elvis AARON Presley)
2. What is the chinese animal year you were born in? Year of the Dog, it means I'm loyal, awww...
3.Approximate month your parents bump bumped for you? They bumped for a long time without any results and then magically my mom became pregnant after February (ah those cold Chicago nights)
4. Do your nails go past the tips of your fingers? I bite them well before they get there
1. Biggest life change so far: finally getting to make short films, still not getting paid for it though
2. Worst thing said to you by your parents: my dad told me I embarassed him in Little League, that was pretty shitty
3. One thing you'd definitely do differently: lay off the junk food, to a degree...
4. Friend missed: Raul Meza, Jorge Castaneda, Stephen Simmons
5. Best compliment: "You're not ugly", thanks Jen!
1. Happiness (1-10): 6
2. Arm pit smell: 0
3. Pain: 0
4. Passion: 4, work stole all of it today
5. Wrong: 0, Never!
1. Anyone you wish you never had to see again? one word... WHORE...
2. Where did you/do you/do you wish to go to college? SDSU/SDSU/USC
3. Biggest thing keeping you from moving forward in life? maybe shyness
4. Do you ever think life will be like the Jetsons? Not in my lifetime, people got too much to gain from keeping things the way they are, right W.?
5. Next new pet? we're getting another goddamned bichon frise (dog)
1. G.P.A. on most recent semester report card? 4.0, I'm kind of a genius
2. School attending? SDSU
3. Favorite class/subject? Film
4. How do you get there? I drive 805 north to the 15, then 8 east to College Ave., then right on Alvarado to parking structure 4
5. Grade level? Senior, I think
Extra Curricular Activities!:
1. What's your main hobby? thinking
2. Do you do anything at school? I like to bullshit with friends and to people-watch
3. What are u good at? remembering everything
4. One thing you want to try? Skydiving
5. One thing you'd never try? spearfishing, there's sharks in the ocean and they love dead fish
1. How well do you get along with them? pretty damned well
2. Who do you live with? Mom, Dad, sister, and dog
3. Most dysfunctional member? My sister, she'll figure it out (hopefully...)
4. Any one in jail? Nope
5. Favorite: My mom, she's way better to me than anyone ever would or should be
1. How many could you tell anything to? probably a lot of them, I pretty much say anything
2. How many are on your myspace list? total? 59
3. Who lives closest? Wayne, though, he's not on myspace
4. Who talks the most shit? I don't really tolerate shit-talkers (in the negative sense)
5. Cutest guy/girl friend? What? Who? I'm not telling!
Ah yes, Relationships:
1. Longest b.f./g.f.? 3 and half lousy months, I'm so lame
2. Crushin' on someone? Not currently
3. Biggest heart breaker? Again... WHORE...
4. Best kiss (not kisser)? That's a really bad question considering there's only been one girl and she wasn't good. Look! Now you made me feel bad...
5. If you could date a celeb, it would be...? Salma Hayek
1. How flexible are you? fairly, I have an oddly flexible groin muscle and, yes, I know how that sounds
2. Are you gay? Nope
3. Does your momma know your gay? What is this junior high?
4. Ever donate your hair? Nope
5. Do you shave? Every other day if I can help it otherwise it hurts like a motherfucker
hmm MORE Random!:
1. Right now...you feel like...? a turtle laying on the beach
2. Rain= yay or nay? depends on what I'm wearing
3. Best kind of chicken? in nugget form
4. Ever had cornrows? Nope
5. Ever slept in public over night? Nope
The Final Five:
1. Who are you any way? I am Aaron, the coolest person you'll ever meet and the man you'll invariably never love
2. What do you think of the person that posted this? My sister? She smells.
3. Ever taken pics/had someone else take pics of you nude? Nope
4. Do you wear make up? Nope
5. Who's yo daddy?! Your Mother!
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