Hey there, kiddies! I've been busy at the Comic-Con the last couple days so here's a quick rundown (not rubdown) of what's happened thus far.
Preview Night Wednesday July 13th: I spent $100 bucks in 3 hours and I'm not even Paris Hilton. It sucks cause I bought 2 burnt Beavis and ButtheadDVDs (which is cool) but not 5 minutes later saw a gigantic (I mean massive) banner on the wall saying that the real DVDs are coming out October 18th (right around my birthday, hint hint)! Add to that the quality of the DVDs I bought is VHS at best. Kind of a bummer. But I did haggle the guy to sell me Captain Caveman for $10 (half-price). I bought other stuff to: the Rising Stars 3rd trade-paperback, Kevin Smith's Silent Bob Speaks (autographed), and the screenplays for Clerks and Chasing Amy (autographed). I just basically walked around the exhibit hall the whole time (which is all you could really do).
Day One: Thursday July 14th: I went to panels mostly. I went to a DVD Producers panel and got a raffle ticket. We got bored so we left. When we walked out, there was Thomas Lennon (Lt. Jim Dangle) and Robert Ben Garant (Deputy Travis Jr.) from Reno 911! standing outside. I stood around and wanted to go up and say hello and how big a fan I am and how I loved The State (TV show on MTV from 1994-95) but they were talking to their friends so I didn't want to interrupt. I think they knew I knew who they were. Anyway, once they went inside a room we walked away to look around. We went back to the DVD Producers panel and the raffle was going on. I won a Ray Harryhausen (early special effects pioneer) movie collection. Bummer it didn't include Clash of the Titans but oh well. I would have like to trade for the Freaks and GeeksComplete Series DVDs but se la vi.
After that, we went to the Ren and Stimpy panel. Guess who was there??? Seriously guess! Greg Penetrante (my video professor, film kiddies know him)! I talked to him for a bit and then the panel started with some pretty raunchy cartoons that were never shown on TV. That's pretty much all they did in the panel which was kind of fun but boring after a while.
After that, I was hungry. But nobody else was. So we went to the Bruce Campbell panel. He was HIGH-larious. He made fun of people that asked stupid questions and kept it real while talking about Hollywood and his career.
Next, I was still hungry. But we went to the David Cronenberg panel. He's the director of The Fly with Jeff Goldblum and other assorted horror-ish films. He showed a trailer and clips from his new movie A History of Violence starring Viggo Mortensen. It looks really good so I'll probably check it out.
Then we finally went to eat. We went to Dick's Last Resort for a burger. However, Dick thinks they're a real restaurant after 4pm and therefore the menu consists of expensive shit that I don't want to eat and have things thrown at me. Who do they think they are, Black Angus?! We had already ordered drinks so we tipped the waitress and got the fuck outta there.
We went to Hooters. Ahh... fine family dining. I got my burger, I got happy. The waitress Mary wasn't a real talker until we were almost done. She asked if we were from San Diego (yes, for those of you playing along) and why we were downtown (Comic-Con) and why we were there (cause we're filmmakers/filmbuffs). Turns out she went to SDSU and graduated with a degree in Criminal Justice, to which I said [Hooters] was a natural progression. Just a summer job while she doubles as a medical assistant (damn, my doctor sucks even more now).
She really got cuter the longer the conversation went on (my non-propensity for blondes). She said was planning on going to the Con on Sunday and just before we left she asked if we had a film playing at the Con. We quickly responded with no's (a fact which I realize could've been handled differently so don't yell at your monitor). Had we said yes, who knows? It could've been good, real good... but I digress. So we left half-kicking ourselves but the possibility of going back to Hooters has grown dramatically.
To finish out the night, I went to the Kung Fu EXTRAVAGANZA! It was kind of boring and I had a headache. Afterwards, I went home and typed this blog. Oh yeah?
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