Hey, kids.
Well, my first season of Men's softball in Burbank ended tonight. I've added up all my stats to the best of both my recollection and math skills. They are as follows:
17 for 27 batting = .629 avg
Not bad considering the rustiness I've felt and being in a new league. I'm hoping to improve this for sure. One odd thing is that all but one hit was a single. I hit a double tonight finally. I think that has to do with the speed of the players in the league and I've been pretty conservative on the bases. If I can hit balls that skip by an outfielder, I can run for days. The main thing I need to focus on as a hitter is waiting for the ball. I think I have a tendency to step too early and then swing a bit flat-footed. Then it's nothing but arms. I'll generate more power if everything moves together toward the ball.
13 RBIs
Actually pretty good considering we only played 8 games. I was hitting 3rd in the lineup most of the year, a position where you need to be productive, so this feels good.
13 Runs Scored
I set out to score at least a run a game and almost scored 2 so this feels good as well. This shows that my wheels are still working somewhat. I definitely could've been more aggressive on the bases but I didn't trust my legs to do what they've done in the past. I definitely need to do some sliding practice to get over the fear that I'll burn/skin the hell out of my legs. That'll help me feel more confident as well.
I couldn't tell you how many errors I made this year. It's not because it's SOoo many but that I don't keep track. One of the major things I need to do is be more tough. I get pretty nervous when a teammate throws the ball hard or in the dirt. I need to be more sure of myself and my hands and not be afraid to put my head behind my glove. It's the best way to see what the ball is going to do but it's obviously dangerous too. But if I do it more on balls in the dirt, I'll feel better than I do bailing out on them. I need to take some more grounders if I can and focus on getting my body in front of the ball, not panicking, and keeping it in front of me at the very least.
Overall not a bad year. Our team was a good group of guys and we played much better the last 3 or 4 games. I love when we battle and don't give up. There's no shame in it and we can walk proud even after a loss. One thing I wish I could change is our pitchers attitude at times. He can go from playful to rage in one swing of the bat, his and theirs. He got warned in at least one game and I'm surprised it didn't happen more. Tonight he and I argued, which was the first time that's happened, about plays he thought I should've made. They were mostly grounders between myself and the second baseman. I knew I could've done more on them and the last thing I needed was an on-field lecture. Whatever advice can wait for the dugout and a scolding helps no one. If I'm pissed at you, I may not be able to concentrate on the next hitter. Anytime someone makes a mistake, and we all do (this ain't the pros), the best thing to do is let it go and be ready for the next opportunity. Hopefully this will improve going forward. I can't say for sure. I think I held my own and when we got into the dugout, I was waiting to give him an encouraging fist bump, letting it go as best I could.
Well, I hope somebody read this the whole way through. If so, there's a check box below for: funny, interesting, or lame (my addition). Check it if you're so inclined.
Baseball season started today as well. It's a great time of year.
:-P Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!
Hits with a steel bat, fields with an iron glove. Rock on Softball Soldier!