So it's the 2 year anniversary of my move up to L.A. It's been a ride to say the least. Those of you that know me personally, know that I've recently had a breakup. What's significant about that fact, in regards to this blog, is that I got into that relationship shortly after moving here. So having it end left me wondering where to start in this town because I didn't really do that somehow. Not that I'm complaining or regretting it, don't get me wrong. It certainly had some good-times, some great-times, and some incredibly frustrating times as well.
Trying to respect her privacy kept me from saying much about it on here, and from blogging in general. It's pretty tough when you have something you want to talk about, you're excited about, and you want to share, but doing so might cause a disturbance to it.
Now that's it's over, I'm not gonna start blabbering all the details. I've considered it. But in the end, it wouldn't do any good to anybody. In the future, and in future relationships, I hope to share that sort of stuff with you, within reason of course. My hope is that that future happens soon. I deserve it. I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that I'm awesome at boyfriending. It's true. I know! I had no idea. Alright, I had a few. Regardless, tell your friends, particularly the hot ones.
Anywho, I think that this L.A. thing is going to stick. I think things have otherwise gone okay for me. I have a nice little apartment and a job to pay for it. Could I be happier? Yeah. I'd definitely like to do something more creative. I really want better hours. But for now, I can deal. It allows me the financial freedom to do things, like travel, which I'm not done with yet. I think deep-down I just need the right companion. I can do things alone, but it's more fulfilling when I'm not talking to myself. Mostly. Pretty much.
Seems like I've got a one track mind, huh? Well, here's some shit that I've been thinking about:
The Bodies exhibit is planning a sex exhibit. You may have heard. I'm pissed. It kills me to think that there will be corpses on display getting more action than I am! How wrong is that?!
Have you seen the commercials for Chantix? It's a product that's supposed to help you to stop smoking. The funny thing is that one of the side effects is suicide attempts. That's right. It may help you quit, or it may make you want to off yourself. And the success rate for quitting smoking with it is only 44%. Less than half. Did the other 56% take a long walk off a tall building? It's bizarre. You could be happy as a clam as a smoker, but trying to quit could kill you. It's like a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Here's my advice: Don't smoke. If you do and want to quit, break all your fingers. Nothing will make you quit faster than when you catch yourself trying to smoke with your toes! Rock-bottom!
And finally, an old favorite. Free credit report commercials. Now, these things are ridiculous enough. The shitty songs with the same shitty band. But the premise is flawed and it's always bothered me. Feel free to point out if I've ever mentioned this before. The premise is that you can buy cool stuff if you've checked your credit score on their site. Wrong. If your credit score sucks, it'll suck no matter how many times you look at it. Monitor the shit out of it! Knock yourself out. Literally. But no singing.
There you have it, kids. I can do better. You know it, I know it. I'm out of practice. The next one though!
:-P Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!
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