Hey, kids. I know it's been way long since I've blogged. I think it's because I don't stay on MySpace for very long when I check it. I might check-in 5 times a day but I might only spend a total of 1-minute online. But I do try to update my status regularly so keep your eyes peeled for those.
So what have I been up to? I've seen some movies. I watched Ratatouille. That was a lot of fun. And it was in HD so it was also "Grrrrrr..." That's a good thing. I also saw Black Snake Moan on DVD. That was pretty cool. There was nudity and that always helps.
Ah, but I also went to the theater, and I saw Juno. I enjoyed it. At times, Juno's dialogue is so snarky it's annoying but all and all, it was a quality film. Best Quote: "Next time I see that Bleeker kid I'm going to punch him in the wiener." -Mac McGuff
After Juno, I snuck into Cloverfield. It was just like the good old days. Although, it was more stressful than necessary because the head of security (who had hair like predator) stood by the theater door, after I got in, until the previews started. But fuck him (or butt-fuck him, whichever you prefer)! I really enjoyedCloverfield. It was exciting; like a rollercoaster, a free fall, or a swift kick in the nuts. I had heard that it sucked so I was really surprised that I enjoyed the hell out of it. Go see it, kids. Don't pay either.
It should also be noted that The Orphanage was pretty good. There are 3 big scares for the women-folk and a general creepy feel throughout. The ending, I think, most could take or leave. Whateva.
Other than the movies, I've been pretty okay. Prior to my current cold, I was working a bit and having my share of fun. Due to the current cold, no fun is currently being had. That's the way that shit works, ain't it? Hopefully it's outta here soon. Seriously. I got no need for sickness.
Keep it real, homies. :-P Pbbbbbbbbth!!!
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