Hey, kids! So I'm back in San Diego for 5 days to celebrate Thanksgiving. It's actually my least favorite holiday of the year. The idea of it is fine, although, why not appreciate things everyday rather than on one random Thursday in November?! But it's mostly because I don't like turkey. Never have, never will. There are fine cooks in my family so that's not the problem. I'm just not a big fan of birds. Chicken too. The only fowl I like is the kind that hardly resembles a former living creature (i.e. nuggets, fillets, or patties). Call me weird. Seriously, I could give a fuck.
The part that's weirder this year is that I'm home. Home. But it doesn't really feel like home anymore. LA feels like home now. It's odd saying that but it's true. Even though I'm only partially "living" there (no job = hardly alive), I take comfort in being there now. I come here to San Diego after a month and change of living away and it feels odd. I don't want to touch anything, almost like when you go to a friend's house you've never been to.
But I have been here. It was almost 20 years before I moved. But now there's a new puppy, a new TV, my room is gone, and my parents are planning more major reconfiguring of all the rooms. I guess it's kind of like Garden State, when Zach Braff talks about home being more of a feeling than an actual place. ZB knows. ZB is wise.
I guess I just really like where I am in LA. And it's not like I ran back here feeling some separation anxiety. I love to see my friends and family and that's still great but this house just isn't. And that's so weird because it was so hard to leave. I'm kinda sad. I may also be delusional (it's always an option that I acknowledge).
So I guess what I'm saying, kids, is: don't leave home. No, that's not right. But believe me when I say that home is where the heart is (cliche, I know). My heart's just in Burbank, I guess... Maybe it has been all along... No, now I'm just being delusional.
Happy Thanksgiving, kids.
:-P Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!
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