Monday, October 8, 2007


Hey, kids!  I haven't written in a while because I've actually been busy as all shit.  And the baseball playoffs started, but busy all the same!
So if you haven't heard, I'm moving to Burbank on the 15th of the month of our Lord (Lord being me, and the month being the month of October, in which I was born).  I'm getting on with this thing they call life. 
No, I have no job waiting for me, but thanks for asking.
I guess you could say that there are many jobs there waiting for me; they just don't know who me is yet.  But since I've changed the address on me resume, I've already gotten a call for an interview.  And that, my friends, is as many calls as I had received prior to that.  Shut up, it's progress!
Anyhow, the move means lots of things have to be done.  I've started packing up my stuff, of which there is a crapload.  I started off with my DVDs and wouldn't you know it, the first box of them was too heavy for me to carry.  I divided them into 3 boxes, threw in my PS2 and games, and that portion was done. 
Next, I went to my books, of which I have a modest collection.  I filled a medium sized box to the brim and was done.  I stood up to enjoy the spoils and wouldn't you know it, my back screamed at me like I just smacked it's momma.
This is incident number 2 for me now.  I suppose it's a good idea to count them.  The first time happened harmlessly at AutoZone, reaching down slightly for a domelight bulb.  And yipes, let me tell you!  I think my back actually came off the heezy.  My chiropractor said that a muscle probably just momentarily plucked a nerve but that damned nerve sure can hold a grudge like a bastard.  But alas, I was feeling better a few days later.
Of course, this time it's a little worse.  It's the same pain, at the same level, but it's just kicking around longer now.  And wouldn't you know it (you should), I've got shit to do!
I had to drive my big-ass, back pain and all, up to the LA to buy furniture for the new place.  Apparently, nobody in San Diego has a wearhouse, showroom, nor delivers north of Irvine.  And really, who the fuck lives in Irvine?!
So my mom and I headed up, with our GPS in the car, on Saturday.  And wouldn't you know it (I really assume a lot out of you), there was all sorts of traffic.  On a Saturday.  I wasn't really that shocked but I'd heard otherwise.
The first place we went had a whole lotta nothing.  Furniture incidently, hasn't really changed much since the late 1600s.  I really only saw one set that wouldn't make my room look like a fairy castle.  So I tried to buy it.  Tried being the key.
We had the deal done.  Done.  Done, I tell you.  But... They couldn't deliver until the end of the month.  All they could give me was the mattress and a nightstand.  Yeah, that'd be just like home, for two whole weeks, during which I'd be trying to find a job.  No thanks.  I mean, I know that I wanted a contemporary, but not so contemporary that it hasn't been made yet.
So we left there dejected, and headed through traffic and confusion to another place.  I should say here that I don't think our GPS has speed in mind when directing us.
Luckily, when we got to the next place, they had some really great stuff and decisions were made fairly easily and quickly.  Of course, they try to get you to buy the best mattress (and most expensive of course) and then the warranty packages, and for some reason, they really wanted me to get this mattress cover.  It really looked more like a bug net.  No thanks!  I don't eat nor drink on my bed.  I keeps it clean, for the ladies...
So we leave and begin the Sam and Frodo-like journey home.  Our GPS tells us to take the 101 south as opposed to the 134 to the 5, which of course nearly doubles our travel time, but I'm not bitter at that little box.  Although, it would be nice if it verbally told you what street to turn on, instead of "Turn right in .2 miles."  What the fuck is .2 miles?!  But I digress...
So by the time we'd gotten home it was 10:30pm, after starting out 12 hours earlier.  Not bad time, I suppose (and if sarcasm was the key to wealth, I'd have millions!).
Trip Totals: 
Duration: 12 hours
Total Miles: 340
CDs Listened To: 6
Fast Food Eaten: Too much.
Celebrities Sited: Zero.  Seriously, not even Pauly Shore.
But I got my furniture.  I've since packed up my comic books and taken the posters off of my bedroom walls.  Have I mentioned that I've got a crapload of shiot?  Well I do.  So if I don't write, you know what I'm doing.  And if you don't come to my birthday/going-away party, you won't see me (and I'm potentially writing you off).  So at least you'll have that going for you.
:-P   Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!
I'm serious.  Come to my party.

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