[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::: Aaron
Birthplace ::: Chicago, Illinois
Age ::: 23
Age you act ::: 43
Current location ::: South San Diego, CA
Eye color ::: Green w/ a blue ring around the pupil at times
Hair color ::: Dirty Blonde, very dirty...
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: Right mostly, I'm a bit of a nambi-ambi.
Zodiac sign? ::: Libra, don't let the scale fool ya. It implements death swiftly.
Height? ::: 5'11"
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::: Half-Polish(mom)/Half-German(dad)
Your hair ::: SOooo short. I got that haircut.
Your fears ::: spiders, heartbreak, disrespect
Your perfect room ::: Big Comfy bed, Plasma TVs at all angles, massive wall space for movie posters, big closet, dirty close (Correction: Clothes) hamper that sits under a basketball hoop (gotta practice my sky-hook)
What you practically do in a day ::: I watch too much TV, I eat too much, I school too much, I work too much (lies), I talk to myself, I laugh for everyone.
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::: Adverbs.
Phrases you overuse ::: "I keeps it real." But I do.
Your first thought when you wake up ::: I will kill the man who invented the alarm clock, or his immediate next of kin!
Your greatest accomplishment ::: Is the person I've become
Something you want to do ::: Have a fulfilling relationship with someone who seeks to do the same. It's harder than it looks. Hehe, dirty...
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King ::: McDonald's
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: Jessica Simpson
Chocolate or vanilla ::: Chocolate
Adidas or Nike ::: Adidas
Black or white ::: Black, it's a slimming color.
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: Bills, keep your damn change to yourself.
Burgers or hot dogs ::: Cheeseburgers and Bagel Dogs.
Egypt or France ::: Egypt, everybody needs a good curse.
Rock or rap ::: Rock!
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::: I smoke air
Cuss ::: I reserve it for deserving occasions, like when describing the state of the union.
Sing well ::: God no.
Sing in the shower ::: Not really.
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::: It's how I think.
Believe in yourself ::: When I'm not all emo.
Like taking these longass surveys? ::: When the questions are good.
Play an instrument ::: Guitar, some bass, the jug.
Want to go to college? ::: No but unfortunately I've been enrolled for the last 5 years.
Want to get married? ::: Not right now but definitely.
Want to have children? ::: Yes, and I'm willing to put in long hours to get them...
Think you're a health freak? ::: Depends, is consuming mass-quantities of cheese healthy?
Get along with your parents ::: Yes.
Get along with your siblings? ::: Most of the time. We don't see eye-to-eye on DVD borrowing policies though.
Think you're popular ::: If I've got enemies, somethin' wrong with them.
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::: Nope (Correction: Yes, Mexico!)
Drank alcohol ::: Nope
Smoke ::: Nope
Get high ::: Only on oxygen, softball, and good-times.
Done any drugs ::: Nope
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: Nope
Been on stage ::: Nope
Gone skinny dipping ::: That would just be asking for shrinkage...
Been dumped ::: Basically...
Dyed your hair ::: Nope
Stolen anything :::Nope
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest ::: Wayne
Loudest ::: Becky, my work mom. It's cool though.
Most shy ::: I don't know, I usually fill that role. (Correction: Isaiah)
Blondest ::: What is this question implying? asks the dirty blonde.
Smartest ::: Ivan, if he could remember it.
Kindest ::: Everybody's pretty nice.
Best personality ::: Butch and (Correction: Gerry)
Most talented ::: Wayne, if he could commit to anything.
Best singer ::: Merilynn
Most ghetto ::: Omar, man's a gangsta.
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::: I could name a few but I don't hang out with them.
Pain in the ass ::: I wouldn't call a pain a friend. Joanna's a pain in my wallet. She always beats me at poker.
Funniest ::: Butch
Best person for advice ::: Butch and Merilynn.
Dependable ::: Jen, she's a producer.
Trustworthy ::: Butch
Druggie ::: God, who's not on drugs?!
Most likely to end up in jail ::: Rica, for pool-hustling.
Person you've known the longest ::: Wayne
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::: Last night
Last nightmare ::: Don't remember
Car ride ::: Earlier today
Last time you cried ::: Memorial Day '04
Last movie seen ::: King Kong
Last movie rented ::: Personally? Vanilla Sky, it was so scratched I haven't rented since.
Last book read ::: Finished? The Anti-Christ by Friedrich Nietzsche
Last word said ::: "Go Sleepie..." to the dog.
Last curse word said ::: "Fuckin-A."
Last time you laugh ::: After every response.
Last phone call ::: Hours ago.
Last CD played ::: U2-Best of 1980-1990
Last song you listened to ::: "When Love Comes to Town" by U2
Last annoyance ::: Teammate highjackery!
Last IM ::: MySpace IM has been down for days (months)
Last weird encounter ::: A girl two-hand grabbed my ass at a Denny's. At a Denny's!
Last person you hugged ::: Merilynn
Last person you yelled at ::: Omar, beware the killer strippers!
Last time you've been evil ::: I'm never evil. I just keeps it real.
Sarcastic? ::: God no, never...<-------right there.
Last time you fought with your parents ::: I can't remember a good one.
Last time you wished upon a star ::: When I was a kid probably.
Played Truth or Dare ::: I can't recall.
Spent quality time alone ::: More often than healthy.
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on ..:: On what? No!
Do you feel lonely ::: Eh, somewhat.
Ever TP'd someone's house ::: No, that'd be wasteful.
How about egging someone's house ::: Try egging people at a bus stop from a moving vehicle, granted I was driving.
Do you not like dislike not like me? ::: WTF, Mate?
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::: Uh... no?
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat th person next to you? ::: Probably.
What do you think of George Bush? ::: Man's dumber than a rock. He really can't hear himself speak either, the condescending prick.
Any secret fetishes? ::: No
Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::: Nope
How many languages do you speak? ::: English, poquito espanol, igpay atinlay.
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