Monday, September 26, 2005


I need someone to make out with!
This is gonna sound weird but it's true.  I just had some cavities filled at the dentist (not dirty, filthy monkeys) so my mouth is all numbed up.  The last time I had cavities, I was with my ex and she made out with me till I regained feeling in my lips.  Thankfully I had like 7 cavities at the time so that meant several appointments and lots of making out.
Now, I know this is all strange but think about it.  What better way is there to pass the time?  Also, there had to have been some cool feeling for my ex to want to do that.  Kissing a rubber lip feels good I guess.  I never had to return the favor.  Needless to say, though I'll say it anyway cause I'm an emotional masochist, that happened a long long time ago.  I've been basically cavity free till recently so it hadn't occurred to me. 
And besides, this is as good a reason as any!  Though when I think about it, who really needs a good reason to make out with somebody?  I guess the ladies do cause clearly they haven't been interested lately.
Anyhow, if you are interested call me up or send me a message or show up at my front door.  You know, whatever.
Bring your chapstick, your libido, and, hey, bring a friend!  I'll be waiting.  Oh yeah.

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