Friday, June 17, 2005

Put this in your blog and smoke it!

The previous blogs(see I blog, therefore I am & Every cowboy sings a sad sad blog) have led me to my current rant:
Ladies, Babies, and Hotties with Boddies let me tell you something:
Just say No!  I'm not talking about drugs here (though, by all means, drop the pipe, it's not attractive).  What I mean is, when a guy asks you out or asks for your number, and you're not interested, just say no. 
"Why," you ask.
Because guys can take it.  Add to that it's fucking honest.  I respect a girl who's honest more than a girl who's afraid to speak her mind.  No isn't mean.  No is direct, it's life-affirming, and it's an end.  It doesn't lead a guy on.  There's nothing worse than thinking someone's interested and finding out through their actions that they're more than likely not. 
You make the effort, she doesn't.  You call, she doesn't call back.  This all could be avoided if no had been established.  Lines are drawn and that's okay.  There's still a chance for friendship even.  You can't respect someone who says one thing and does another, right?  That's what happens if you feel no but don't say it.
Hearts will not be broken with no.  Time and energy will not be wasted.  If a guy at a bar approaches you and you say no, he's not crushed because he hasn't had time to build any sort of emotional connection to you.  You say yes but don't mean it, that connection starts and grows; the speed at which is dependent on the guy.  He may take it in stride or he might get clingy.  Because you said yes, you gotta deal with that risk.  The potential for hurt grows. 
Ladies, the feminist movement has left you with great power when it comes to relationships.  Use it wisely and be responsible.  People could get hurt.  Some might say that it's worse than physical pain.  Some might be right.  Oh yeah.

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