Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Why No Vote-O...?

4 years ago (today...?), I drove down to San Diego to vote because our ballots were lost in the mail (ROOMMATES...) and I tend to go to extremes in a crisis. I voted for Obama (suck it, that's what I did), and then drove 2 hours back to L.A., went to work and as they announced Obama had won, I threw a chair on the floor and stood upon it in victory (I said I go to extremes). I nearly cried as he gave his acceptance speech. That's how much it meant to me. To the country.

This year, I renewed my driver's license and changed my address to Burbank, thus voiding my voter registration in San Diego and leaving me a man without a county. As the election approached, I checked my status a few times but not very thoroughly and so I failed to send in a change of address form in time to vote tomorrow. I'm actually kind of bummed. I paid attention, watched my shows (Stewart/Colbert/Maher), and was as angered/befuddled as the rest of you by every word that's crept from a candidate's/candidate's supporter's mouth.

So here I sit "on the sidelines" on the eve of the election, where let's face it, my state's already been won. But still I kinda want to play this stupid game with the rest of you (except my friends in "the joint")... Why not? "Go team" or something, right? I've actually never belonged to any political party. "Who would have ya?!" as my Mom once said.

Well, kids, go out and support equality where it is threatened. Preserve women's rights. Get your weed cards, myaaaaannnn. Keep condoms out of porn. Keep Juan Vargas out of Congress (local reference). Do this for me and we'll all go tip over cop cars and light shit on fire after we've won!

:-P Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!