Hey, kids! I just have a quick note to Lakers fans here in L.A.
Hey, so I'm just curious. Does driving your car with not one but two Lakers flags sticking out of your windows make you more of a fan or kind of a douchebag? I lean towards the latter. One flag. It's enough. Kobe gets it. You like him. One flag. Not two. Just one. Stop it. Seriously.
A couple related notes: Phil Jackson needs a haircut and his goatee (or his Van Dyke, as it is more accurately put, Mustache + goatee = Van Dyke) back. He used to look cool. No mas.
Pau Gasol is possibly the goofiest looking man on the planet. He vaguely resembles Big Bird. But the problem is that it's not even laughable. I don't see him and giggle. It's more like I want to punch him in his ludicrously weak chin or his giant adam's apple. And yes, I realize that to do this I'd have to jump. Hence, I have yet to do it.
Well, that's it kids. Short and sweet, like Danny Devito in a diaper.
:-P Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!