Hey, kids! It's time for an installment of a series I like to call Aaron takes on...
Tonight, Aaron takes on... Celibacy.
Let me just start by saying, everybody has choices to make in their lives and they are free to make them whenever, wherever, and however they like, most laws permitting. However, some choices I see are misguided.
This leads me to the celibate lifestyle. I just don't get it. How does one come to the decision? Where does the decision come from? The answer to the second question seems fairly simple, Religion. Christianity, the religion I'm most familiar with, teaches it. But, like most things I was taught as a boy, I find it to be completely gonzo-bonkers-nuts.
Let me explain. Originally, the practice of celibacy started as a reaction to the decadence of the Roman Empire in the early A.D.s. As I see it, the practice of celibacy amongst modern youths is a reaction to decadent lifestyles and/or promiscuous lifestyles that they see on MTV or Maury Povich. I agree, that shit's retarded. But I see celibacy as a very extreme reaction to a fairly instinctual human impulse. Spread the seed and whatnot.
Now, I'm not in favor of spreading seeds around by any stretch. I've got no desire to procreate at this early juncture in my life and that's fine if you don't either. But, like I said, it's rather extreme to cut yourself off altogether.
It's also plain to see that the world is overpopulated and the last thing we need is more children with children or children without homes. Not to mention the growing number of STDs out there. But is celibacy, or even abstinence, the answer? I say no. If you're concerned about pregnancy or STDs, then you better have it strapped, capped, and wrapped before you get with the freakie-deakies. Frankly, with all that armor on, you'll probably end up chapped as a result, but that's the price of safety.
And that's the thing. That's the price of safety, protecting yourself. Not some archaic Middle Ages practice of waiting until the wedding night. You don't shoot yourself in the face when you have a cold, do you? Then why do the same to your natural sexual urges?
If you don't want to be a whore or a slut, don't be a whore or a slut. It's that simple. No need to go and close yourself off to the possibility that you can havepremarital sex and still be a good person.
Now, to address the belief that limiting your number of sexual experiences somehow makes "the experience" special, I gotta say wrong here too. You and your partner make things special. If what you feel for each other is true, then what difference does it make whether it's both of your firsts as opposed to his third and her second? Are you that insecure? If you are, maybe you shouldn't be together in any sense, physically or emotionally. Are you afraid that the other person will have another experience to compare yours to, favorably or otherwise? Again, if you're paranoid, maybe a relationship isn't for you in the first place.
If you want to wait for love, wait for love. That's fine, but why wait for a pair of rings and a piece of government issued paper?
Religion can tell you many fine stories. But I don't think in any case that it should define you. I don't think that the pope has any right to tell you what to do with your significant others anymore than you can tell him what he can do with his fancy robes and his funny hats.
Have fun and be safe, that's all you need to know. Take it seriously, I do. But be a little more understanding and be a hell of a lot more modern about it, otherwise I'll think you're crazy. I don't want you to be crazy, kids.
I know I don't have much experience from which to speak. But if you're celibate and you're reading this (still), I'm more experienced than you. I'm not a bad person and I don't think you are. I just think you've heard a bad argument.
And lastly, to anyone who takes this all wrong and gets angry at me for communicating my opinion, I have something inspirational to say to you too:
GET BLOWN! :-P Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!