Saturday, July 29, 2006

It's good To Be back.

Hey kids!  So it's been a while since I last blogged.  I know, I know.  I apologize (look, Jen, spelled it right!).
The last two blogs were emo and for that I will not apologize.  Part of me is an emo Aaron.  But he's mostly gone now.  It's a good thing.  I just needed a little time to deal, you know? 
It's like passing a stone.  You gotta wait it out a bit and things come out and you can move on with your life.  Well, actually, I've never had a stone to pass but I'm told that's what it's like.  As an unprecedented sign of good will, I'd like to wish the stone well (again) and I hope your shmiopsy turns out okay.  Also, if you ever want back in, you know where to find me.
So enough with making the casual reader go, "Huh?" and on to what else has been going on with me lately.  I've been working a bit.  Money is good.  It's been hotter than the Devil's nut sack, and I'll tell ya, it has not been pleasant.  Have you ever been forced to wear polyester in 80 degree weather with humidity?  If so, I feel ya.  If not, ahh, maybe some day.
Radiohead played outside my work the other day.  That's was unamazing.  I'm not a fan.  Some of their music is alright but I find most of it to be rather whiny and droning.  If that's your thing, then you should probably have kids at some point.  And yes, I did just compare Radiohead to annoying children.  And you're welcome.
My Cardinals had lost 8 straight games till today.  They were on fire till Pujols came back off the DL.  Very weird.
And so how's about those random skank friend requests here on the MySpace?  Seriously, I can't be the only one getting them.  If you're online after midnight, prepare to receive a half-dozen an hour.  It's ridiculous.  (No Joke: When I finished typing this blog, I had received 6 friend requests from said random skanks.)
I'm glad that the bulletin virus got cleared up.  I was getting tired of writing all those "Get Well Soon" comments!  Wah-wah.
Should I be sweating while blogging at 2:30 in the morning?  In San Diego?  I should think not.  This weather better up and die before I count to 10 'cause then there'll be trouble.  Seriously, I'm a gangsta.
Anywhoo, enough of my lunacy for one night!  Catch you kids in the next blog. :-P  Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Comic-Connery Part 2

Hey kids!  As promised, here is the exciting conclusion to my goings-on at the Comic-Con:
Saturday:  It started off bright and early again.  I was actually late due to the heavy traffic but luckily Gerry saved me a seat.  First up was Warner Bros. again, this time presenting the movie, 300, based on Frank Miller's (of Sin City) graffic novel about Spartans.  The clips they showed were so epic and so awesome that they showed them an unprecendented 3 times.  There was killin', there was slow-mo, and there was boobies; everything a good trailer needs. 
Next up was Robert Rodriguez for the film Grind House, or so we thought... As it turns out, Grind House is going to be an old-fashioned double feature with one movie directed by the Desperado and the second being directed by Quentin Tarantino.  And who happened to stroll out shortly after the panel began?  Tarantino himself!  He was hilarious and excited as always.  They showed some ridiculous clips from Planet Terror, which Rodriguez is still shooting.  Let's just say he's thought of some interesting ways to replace an amputee's leg...  Tarantino's film, which he hasn't shot yet, is called Death Proof and it's about a stuntwoman who kicks ass and such.  The villain in the film will be played by none-other-than Kurt Russell!  Joining the directors in the panel were Rosario Dawson (hottie), Marley Shelton (new-found hottie), Rose McGowan (I'd forgotten she was such a hottie), and some girls I've never heard of but hotties all of them.  I can't wait for these movies next April.  Two for One, bitches!
Next up was supposed to be Kevin Smith.  However, Silent Bob was still in transit and thus pushed back to later in the day.  It was a bummer.  To somewhat appease us, they showed a huge preview of Broken Lizards' new movie,BeerFest.  You can guess what it is about.
After that we had hours to kill so Gerry, Butch, and I took a cab over to Pokez (pronounced POH-KEEZ).  It's tradition.  We sweated our balls off over some fine mexican food.  We stepped outside the restaurant after our filling treats and realized that it was cooler in the shade outdoors.  We walked all the way back to 'the Con (about 10 blocks), being mindful to stay in the shade.
When we stepped into the air conditioned monstrosity I call work, Butch went to do his "Veronica Mars thing."  Gerry and I went upstairs and watched our classmates' film, Bartholomew's Song.  We then promptly left before Dean Bull'sLong Brown Coat started, as is customary when you think people are douches.
When we got back downstairs, the line for the Sony panel was HUGE.  I lost Gerry very quickly.  Luckily, he found some friends near the front of the line, and thanks to the miracle of cell phones, I found Gerry again!  When we finally got inside, the Ghost Rider panel was already going.  Nick Cage and Eva Mendes were there again.  Nick Cage had some horrendous sunglasses on and an equally confounding hairdo.  But we weren't there to see Ghost Rider...
Because Sam Raimi came out to talk about Spiderman 3!  And he brought some friends!  Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Topher Grace, Thomas Haden Church, and Bryce Dallas Howard came too.  They showed a mostly unfinished clip from Spidey 3, which will bring Venom to the big screen next year.  It should be as good as its predecessors.
Sony also showed a clip from the Tenacious D movie.  The clip wasn't great but the movie should be, I hope.
After that, Kevin Smith made his annual appearance.  He was funny as ever and Jason Mewes also showed up.  I can't really think of anything else here.  Well,you should've been there!
After that, I met Jen and her cousins at Hooters for dinner.  Two days in a row, I know...  I had a burger as we debated the nature vs. nurture elements of our waitress's breasts.  I still contend that "they" are fake.  I take sweater pillows very seriously as you well know.
I left Hooters to go catch some of the masquerade ball at 'the Con but my stomach had other plans, so my night ended on kind of a down note.  My Sunday return was in doubt...
Sunday:  I did not want to wake up on this day.  I debated (in my head) whether anything was worth the drive and eventually decided to be back by midday.  Upon arriving, I went up and caught the last half of the Grudge 2 panel.  I know,Grudge 2: Grudge Harder, right?  I was glad when it ended to be sure.
The Rogue Pictures panel started next with the movie Balls of Fury.  Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant came back and answered more questions about the ping-pong movie.  They signed a man's underwear and made jokes, and then what was clearly (to me) a stunt, a man came up and angered them and they chased him around the room.  After pummeling him, they left and it was announced that the fire marshal was kicking them out.  But I have it on good authority (the fire marshal's own mouth) that no such thing occurred.
After that fiasco, Edgar Wright and Nick Frost (of Shaun of the Dead) came out to promote their next movie, Hot Fuzz.  It promises to do to cop/action movies what Shaun did for zombie movies.  They answered questions about all things English and the major panels of 2006 came to a close. 
On my way back to the exhibit hall, I noticed that Thomas Lennon and RBG were going to be signing autographs.  There were only 10 or so people in line so I jumped in.  My intent was to get a photo with them, as I had failed to on Friday.  It was a chance to make right what once went wrong, like Quantum Leap!  After waiting a bit, we were informed that they were nowhere to be found.  RATS!  Such is life...
I meandered the exhibit floor looking for things to buy but found little.  I picked up the Clerks II screenplay and a Jim Edmonds figure by Todd McFarlane.  I still felt a little dejected and had money to burn so I stopped at Best Buy on the way home.  I picked up Platoon: 20th Anniversary, Three AmigosSay AnythingThe AristocratsReno 911!: Season 3 (I wasn't bitter), and Shaun of the Dead.  They're all good, you should pick 'em up.
As you have seen, I didn't stay for one movie (at 'the Con) as the night-time programming has taken a real dive the last two years.  This may have been my last 'Con so I'm pretty disappointed by that.  But the panels were great and I had a good time thanks to good company. 
So, if you didn't go, now you know... What you missed anyhow.  And I didn't even go to all of it.  Be there if you can in the future!  Back to normal blogs, YAY!   :-P  Pbbbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!
Check out 'ma pictures at

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Comic-Connery Part 1

Hey kids!  I've finally recovered from the weekend that was: Comic-Con 2006.  It's been better in previous years but I still had fun.  Here's a rundown of what I did and when I did it (hehe, dirty):
Thursday:  I started out by picking up Gerry and David.  We walked around the exhibit hall and I got some wings from the Snakes on a Plane booth.  They didn't have any cool shirts which was a bummer.  I lost Gerry and David at some point and went and ate lunch with Corey in Seaport Village (so not worth the walk).
When we got back, we went upstairs to the Lionsgate panel.  They previewedCrank (with that Transporter guy), Saw III (I haven't seen I or II), and Skinwalkers(a werewolf movie w/ a vague title).  Shawnee Smith was there for Saw III and I said to my friends that it was high-time somebody from Becker made it to Comic-Con.
Next was David Arquette for his directorial debut, The Tripper.  They were supposed to show a preview of this movie but Arquette LOST HIS TAPE somewhere.  So his panel basically consisted of retarded stoner giggling and people asking for hugs.
After that debacle, Guillermo Del Toro (no relation to Benicio) came out to talk about his latest, Pan's Labyrinth.  The fact that the title has the word, labyrinth, in it sells me on it but Del Toro stole the show with his crude sexual analogies and great storytelling during the Q & A.  If you ever have the chance to hear him speak, take it.  He's awesome!  And that concluded Thursday.
Friday:  The day started bright and early with the Warner Bros. panel.  They showed previews for The Reaping (supernatural thriller w/ Hillary Swank), The Wicker Man (Nick Cage remake), and most importantly Bryan Singer came out to talk about my film the yearSuperman Returns.  He started out by showing 5 or 6-minutes of hilarious bloopers and then came out and did a long Q & A.  He then surprised us by bringing out Richard Donner (director of the originalSuperman: The Movie and Lethal Weapon).  Dick Donner then showed a clip from his director's cut of Superman II that will come out later this year (I think).  It was awesome!  It would've been a pretty good day if it ended right here.  Luckily, it didn't.
Next was the 20th Century Fox panel.  They started with a preview for Pathfinder(a viking movie, not my car).  Then they brought out Clancy Brown (the Kurgan from Highlander!).  It looks like a pretty cool flick about vikings landing before Columbus, and finally Eomer of LOTR (Karl Urban) gets a starring role. 
Next they previewed Reno 911!: Miami and Thomas Lennon (Lt. Dangle), Robert Ben Garant (Travis Jr.), and Kerri Kenney-Silver (Wiegel) did some improv about how the movie misrepresents them as peace officers.  It was hilarious!  Remember these guys for later in this blog.
Then, to my complete surprise, Sacha Baron Cohen came out, in-character, and previewed Borat.  He played a 10-minute clip of himself naked-slap-fighting a fat man that had everyone falling over.  It was ree-diculous.
Then I went up to the Southland Tales panel.  Richard Kelly was there previewing a scene from the Donnie Darko follow-up (not sequel, sorry kids).  The clip was extremely odd because it was a dream sequence that featured Justin Timberlake (I know, I was shocked too) lip-synching in an arcade to The Killers' "All These Things That I've Done," with dancing nurses.  It was bizarre.  The story for the movie sounds complicated but I'll probably still go see it.
After that I went to lunch in Seaport Village again but I didn't eat, though, I did have a slushy.
Then it was back to 'the Con' for Snakes on a Plane, motherfucker!  Kenan Thompson (Fat Albert) hosted the panel, which was annoying.  The director David Ellis (of Homeward Bound II fame) actually thought that we were laughingwith him when it comes to SOAP (whoa, I just noticed that).  I feel sorry for that bastard.  We're laughing at you, jackass!  Sam Jackson came out and was great but the highlight was when a fan asked him if the snakes deserved to die.  He responded, "Hell yeah.  YES THEY DESERVED TO DIE, AND I HOPE THEY BURN IN HELL(a la A Time to Kill)!!!"  I nearly died.  It's on YouTube, check it out.
After that masterwork, Butch and I went to Hooters.  It's tradition.  We didn't get the same waitress as last time (thankfully) but ironically her name was also Karina (see previous blogs).  Twilight Zone, anyone?
After some grilled cheese and fries, we headed over to the Gaslamp movie theater to watch Clerks II.  Right when we got there, I noticed Thomas Lennon and Robert Ben Garant (of Reno 911!) outside the theater.  Unfortunately, my camera had been dead all day (with exception of 1 shot of David Arquette).  I asked Lt. Dangle about The State DVDs and he said was doing ADR and they'd be out later this year.  I was ecstatic.  The two left after posing for pictures with Butch and hugging Gerry.
Clerks II was fucking hilarious!  It quite possibly set the record for the most times the word, cock, was said in a film.  And my name was in the credits!  I didn't see it but Butch did (the names were flyin'!).  And that ended my night. 
Part 2 tomorrow, kids.  In the meantime, check-out the photos (spoiler alert) at

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Work Doodles Vol. 3

Hey kids. My latest drawing is from my new Emo collection. Enjoy.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

That's right, I said it!

Hey kids!  Since I'm super-busy with Comic-Con, here's a little something to wet your whistle until my full return.
Finish the sentence:
1. My first ex is...
unhappy, I hope.  Haha, Laura, you suck!  Seriously, I'm not bitter...
2. I'm listening to...
the fans spinning.
3. Maybe I should...
go back to sleep.
4. I love...
Superman Returns!
5. I don't understand...
women, ever.
6. I lost...
my mind long before my handwriting went to shit.
7. People say...
I only hear what I want to.
8. Love is...
what I got.  Haha, not really.
9. Somewhere, someone is...
dodging bullets in Iraq and that's the shame of the century, already.
10. I will always...
be above-average.
11. Forever seems...
like an eternity.
12. I never want to...
lose myself.
13. My mobile phone...
14. When I wake up in the morning...
I think of every excuse to go back to sleep.
15. I get annoyed when...
people are in a hurry for no reason.
16. Parties are...
fun, as long as everyone remains standing.
17. My pet is...
too barky.
18. Kisses are the best when...
there's real passion behind them.
19. Today I...
am going to the 1st full day of Comic-Con.
20. Tomorrow I will...
be tired of all these motherfuckin' snakes on this motherfuckin' plane!!!
21. I really want...
to find it, realize it, and never let it go.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Pick It Up!

Hey kids!  So I thought of some random things that would've gone in the last blog.  Here they are:
-Who invented corn on the cob and was he working in conjunction with the dental hygene industry?  As I sit here now, at the computer, I've got all sorts of madness stuck in my teeth.  I smell a conspiracy.
-Why are Smashing Pumpkins albums always so damned quiet?  Seriously, everytime I play one of their bundles of sonic joy, I've got to turn it up to 11 just to hear it.  It's not a rocking 11 mind you, more like a normal 8.  It's weird.
-I thought of this a while ago but, there really is no such thing as a fun burning sensation.
-Nobody ever wishes someone else deep seeded rage for an upcoming holiday.  It's always that "happy" nonsense.  "Happy this," "Happy that."  What about "Screw You Christmas" or "May Your Birthday Be Filled With Guilt and Self-Loathing?"  Why not, is all I'm asking.
-You know what I found is a really great synonym for penis?  Schwanse (spelling?).  We should all use it as the new hip term. 
-If someone is an asshole, and is also really tall, does that automatically make that person a big asshole?  Or a giant asshole?
-What if it was customary in this country to tell everyone you meet that you love them?  It would no doubt cause some strange exchanges on the bus.
-I'm still looking for a hambone, by the way.
-(Late Addition) Have you seen these ads for Flomax?  You know, the ones "for guys who like to take longer trips while making fewer pit-stops?"  Well, one of the warnings towards the end of the commercial says to avoid activities where injury may result.  Now considering the area involved, couldn't that warning be restated as 'Avoid sports in which you risk getting clocked in the cock?'  I think it would be more entertaining, for people like me, wearing a straight-jacket.
Well, I guess that's all I've got for now.  Stay tuned for more, or something.  Tee-hee.  :-P  Pbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Underwater Indignities

Hey kids!  So I haven't been blogging that frequently lately and I apologize.  It's not that I'm busy, really.  In fact, with all the free time, you think I'd be blog-crazy.  But I'm not.  It's just been harder for me to think of something to say lately.  I don't know why.  And maybe I do.
Either way, here's what I've been up to since I last blogged.  It's been hot and I've been working in the hot.  Seriously, they had me outside during peak UV hours (roughly noon-2pm) 3 days in a row last week.  ME!  I wore a ton of sunscreen (cause I don't make mistakes twice, usually) and I stood in the shade as often as possible, even to the point of neglecting my duties (hehe, duties).  Still, it shows you how much my bosses care for my well-being at work.  Heartless pricks.
I went for a swim today, for I believe the first time in 2 years.  I have a pool in my backyard, in case you didn't know (which you probably didn't).  I know you're probably saying to yourself, "Dude, why don't you swim all the time in the summer?!  I would totally blah blah blah..."  Trust me, when you've had a pool nearly all your life, it gets old.  The novelty wears off.  And all you can think about is, "Damn it's gonna be cold when I get out."
My mom asked me why I don't invite my friends over to go swimming.  The answer should be fairly obvious considering how rare it is that I swim.  But I simply replied, with all due respect to my friends, "Because all my friends are dudes!"  Wah-wah.  Think about it.
When I wasn't swimming, I was contemplating the universe and I started to think about whether or not farts still stunk when released under the agua?  You would think but when the bubbles break the surface, you're not falling over in disgust.  I think it must have to do with the clorine.  God bless clorine.
The clorine was really hurting my eyes today though.  God damn clorine.
What else???  Hmmm... 
Hey, that Comic-Con thing is coming up next week.  I will be in attendance for the 8th year running.  Looking forward to that, as well as Clerks 2 on Friday.
You know, it's probably bad to point this out, but I had a lot more things I was going to write about but damned if I didn't forget most of 'em.  I remembered the underwater fart thing though...  Geez.  I'm sorry, folks, but this is this blog's stop.  See ya!  :-P  Pbbbbbbbbbbbth!!!