Well, kiddies, it's been a long week off from school (though not long enough) and I've been quite the busy bunny (or something less gay). Here's a run-down:
Monday: The first day, a magical one. I sat around and did nothing for the most part and it was glorious! I watched some of the World Baseball Classic, which has been awesome. 24 came on and rocked my fucking socks off! Then I got off my ass and typed up a cover letter for my Disney internship application. I had only put that off since New Years.
Tuesday: I went to my chiropractor/psychiatrist, Dr. Wells. We talked about life and the future and he cracked my neck and spine in the most refreshing way. Good-times. On my drive home, I was informed that my 10th grade P.E. teacher was arrested for kiddie-porn. Not cool. Then I watched more WBC action!
Wednesday: Hump Day as it were. I got a haircut which I was needing. I began to wonder whether my barber knows how to cut white people hair? Also, the barbers aren't hot like at SuperCuts. But this place is SOoo much cheaper. Sacrifices made.
Gerry called me later that evening and we went with David H. to the Casbah and watched Bunky play a show. They're on my friends list, check 'em out. After they finished, this 3-piece chick band came on and it had a ridiculously hot guitar player/singer. Too bad their music sucked, to me anyhow. God she was hot!
Thursday: I woke up at the buttcrack of early and went to Gerry's house to rehearse a scene I'm acting in with Adam. We're doing a scene from Bad Santain Gerry and Adam's directing class this coming Tuesday. We hadn't even picked roles but when we did, it was obviously a role I was born to play, a black-midget in an elf costume. Goodtimes.
After we got tired of reading our lines, we went to Rei Do Gado (God of Meat), which is a Brazilian meat buffet downtown. I'm not much of a meat-guy, per se, but to those that are, you will love it like your mother.
After that, I raced over to get the oil changed on my car. I showed up 15 minutes late for my appointment but somehow they finished the job 15 minutes faster than they said they would. Curious...
Side Rant: While I was waiting for my car, Yu-Gi-Oh! was on the TV. That show really blows donkey-assholes. I'm serious. It is dumbing down our children faster than Ritalin and Laguna Beach combined. It's time to implement my policy of only allowing children to watch Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry, Scooby Doo, and Saved by the Bell re-runs. They will thank us in the long run, trust me.
Later that night, Butch and I watched V for Vendetta. It was a good flick, despite being a little wordy, and it made me want to murder the government. What a tagline that would make! It's good stuff though, check it out. P.S. John Hurt really fuckin' brings it! P.S.P.S. I love you, Natalie Portman! P.S.P.S.P.S. Balls!
Friday: I had planned on meeting up with someone on this day... That didn't happen. Whose fault is it? That is yet to be determined. I went with Butch to PB Bar and Grill to meet said person. We waited in line for 45 minutes as it was St. Patrick's Day.
Side Rant: I don't wear green on St. Patrick's Day. Two Reasons: 1) I'm not fucking Irish. 2) Go ahead and pinch me, ladies. Reowr...
PB Bar and Grill was packed and thusly hotter than the devil's asshole, so I made an early exit by normal standards.
Saturday: I woke up slightly later than the buttcrack of early and went to Gerry's to rehearse again. While we waited for Adam, Gerry and I jammed. I played the acoustic guitar, Gerry played the tuba. The Pixies "Where is my mind?" has never been the same since. After we rehearsed some, Gerry, Gabe (Gerry's brother), and I all squeezed into Adam's Dodge Neon and we met Isaiah at HomeTown Buffet. I ate a lot. Isaiah overheard a child molestor trying to get a 9 year old soccer player's number. That is gross.
After we had our fill-o-food, Gerry, Gabe, and I squeezed back into Adam's car but I squeezed too much and suffered a massive leg cramp that still hurts at this moment. We went back to Gerry's and Isaiah, Gerry, and I basically dicked around for many hours. Gerry's girlfriend, Hanah, showed up and the dicking around continued.
After I left, I went home to recoop. I ate tons of carbs and drank lots of soda because I had TWO parties to go to. I went to my sister's housewarming/birthday and then Rica's housewarming/birthday. Good-times mostly, maybe. My sister's party was pretty mellow and mostly conversational. Rica's party was too drunk and/or high.
Side Rant: It seems to me people feel that their birthday is a good excuse to get SUPER-trashed. I think it's supposed to be a time to enjoy your day and your friends/family and not spend it passed out/vomiting. This is based on more examples than just Rica's party. Maybe I'm just crazy. Rica, I still love you.
Sunday (today): I went to work. Slow. Ordered pizza. Good. Went home. Thank God.
And that kids, was my Spring Break! 'Til next year...